A team of us does release, continuous integration and delivery work and in
the process has started developing a set of Ansible modules designed to
manage entities or perform actions against a Foreman server along with
plugins, namely Katello at present. To that end, we started a repository
to collect these and provide them for easy use by others [1].
We wanted to share these modules since we think they could be useful to
others. Further, we wanted to see what the community has and collaborate to
centralize modules for use and development by the broader community. Our
inevitable goal is to push these modules to Ansible directly so they are
available when you simply install Ansible. Until then, this repository
serves as a place for community contribution, nurturing of modules, and
place from which to promote them to the core Ansible repository. This
information and more can be read on the repository README [2].
Want to start using these modules today? Check out
A list of current modules:
Now show us what you got! Contribute via conversation in this thread, let
us know what modules you might have, open PRs to add your modules!
Got a request for a module? Feel free to open an issue on the Github
repository. We cannot guarantee that we or anyone else will complete it but
you might just inspire someone to create one!
following Erics call for contribution submitted our latest ansible
module to manage global parameters within foreman. Also we are working
on some other ideas for foreman modules that might be material for
future contributions/PRs.
ATIX - The Linux & Open Source Company
On 06/19/2017 05:53 PM, Eric D Helms wrote:
Howdy All,
A team of us does release, continuous integration and delivery work
and in the process has started developing a set of Ansible modules
designed to manage entities or perform actions against a Foreman
server along with plugins, namely Katello at present. To that end, we
started a repository to collect these and provide them for easy use by
others [1].
We wanted to share these modules since we think they could be useful
to others. Further, we wanted to see what the community has and
collaborate to centralize modules for use and development by the
broader community. Our inevitable goal is to push these modules to
Ansible directly so they are available when you simply install
Ansible. Until then, this repository serves as a place for community
contribution, nurturing of modules, and place from which to promote
them to the core Ansible repository. This information and more can be
read on the repository README [2].
Now show us what you got! Contribute via conversation in this thread,
let us know what modules you might have, open PRs to add your modules!
Got a request for a module? Feel free to open an issue on the Github
repository. We cannot guarantee that we or anyone else will complete
it but you might just inspire someone to create one!
After a few months of collaboration, we have enough [3] modules in [1]
foreman-ansible-modules to replace the current [4] katello module in
ansible. There is still a bit of work to be done to DRY up some of the
modules to use the common [5] ansible_nailgun_cement.py and a few
outstanding issues on the [1] project. We appreciate the contributions and
look forward to seeing how these ansible modules will be used in the future.
On Wed, Jun 28, 2017 at 12:48 PM, Bernhard Hopfenmüller < hopfenmueller@atix.de> wrote:
Hi there,
following Erics call for contribution submitted our latest ansible module
to manage global parameters within foreman. Also we are working on some
other ideas for foreman modules that might be material for future
The PR for the our global_param module got already accepted - thanks Eric
- so you can check it out online: The Foreman · GitHub
Best regards,
Bernhard & The Atix Crew
ATIX - The Linux & Open Source Company
On 06/19/2017 05:53 PM, Eric D Helms wrote:
Howdy All,
A team of us does release, continuous integration and delivery work and in
the process has started developing a set of Ansible modules designed to
manage entities or perform actions against a Foreman server along with
plugins, namely Katello at present. To that end, we started a repository
to collect these and provide them for easy use by others [1].
We wanted to share these modules since we think they could be useful to
others. Further, we wanted to see what the community has and collaborate to
centralize modules for use and development by the broader community. Our
inevitable goal is to push these modules to Ansible directly so they are
available when you simply install Ansible. Until then, this repository
serves as a place for community contribution, nurturing of modules, and
place from which to promote them to the core Ansible repository. This
information and more can be read on the repository README [2].
Want to start using these modules today? Check out https://github.com/
A list of current modules: The Foreman · GitHub
Now show us what you got! Contribute via conversation in this thread, let
us know what modules you might have, open PRs to add your modules!
Got a request for a module? Feel free to open an issue on the Github
repository. We cannot guarantee that we or anyone else will complete it but
you might just inspire someone to create one!