Bug: Host group settings not saved (Foreman 2.2/Katello 3.17)

@shalles I have my Foreman config completely automated in Ansible, if you have your environment equally automated, you can also still opt to ‘just’ skip upgrading and redeploy on the newer versions.

You can read about what I use here: Foreman :: Foreman Config as Code or get it at the source: GitHub - Thulium-Drake/ansible-role-foreman: Ansible toolkit for Foreman/Satellite

Hi Sebastian, we got it working again with the following fix: katello/redhat_extensions.rb at 5699208c287677c66994d1ded9c557e23873487f · jlsherrill/katello · GitHub. Hope you have a snapshot to go back to 2.1/3.16… Update your Foreman/Katello again to 2.2/3.17. Before you run foreman-installer replace the content of redhat_extensions.rb with the content of the fix. After the migration the host groups are still broken, but you can edit the required fields and save it again. Best regards, Tom

Hi Tom, thank you for your feedback. I will give it a try.
Regards, Sebastian

We also ran into this issue unrelated to Ansible. This morning I had to roll back to my snapshot for 3.16 which thankfully, I hadn’t deleted. Will a fix be added to 3.17 and 3.18 for this issue?

We had to rollback our upgrade. I plan on upgrading again at the end of the week. Has a fix been added to 3.17 yet?