CentOS 8 BaseOS thinks it is AppStream

Hi @quba42
I read through that bug – it is related to the very start of centos 8, were the kickstart files were not AppStream “aware”.

that was all fixed in katelo 3.14 (or somewhere around there).

Using katelo 3.16.1, I was able to deploy centos 8:
the process was:
mirror 2 software repos: BaseOS and AppStream
include the “distribution” details in the repo

and Foreman correctly identified the variants

After doing a clean install of foreman 2.3.2 + Katelo 3.18.1, I have synced these 2 software repos, but this time, the BaseOS is reporting as “variant AppStream”.
I assume this is coming from pulp v3 somewhere??

so how do I fix it…? doing a complete resync doesn’t appear to change anything.
And how did pulp get confused?
because this then messes up the repo entries in the kickstart provisioning template

thanks for your time