I think I’m having this same problem after a new build of Katello 3.10 and foreman 1.20. Here’s a screenshot of the Content Hosts page (though it also does not display on the main Hosts page).
You can see that CentOS 6 hosts have the OS listed correctly, but Centos 7 hosts do not (except the foreman server).
If I look at the facts, I see distribution::version being set for the hosts: CentOS 6 hosts report version.subversion (ex: 6.9), while CentOS 7 hosts only report version (ex: 7).
In the table, you can see that the main foreman server is listed as 7.6.1810. A search for that value shows up as facts.os::release::full. However, it is the only host that has that value set. I assume this is related?
Like the original posted, my hosts were registered via the command line:
yum -y install subscription-manager
yum -y install http://foreman.mydomain/pub/katello-ca-consumer-latest.noarch.rpm
subscription-manager register --org="mydomain" --activationkey="CentOS7"
yum -y install https://yum.theforeman.org/client/1.20/el7/x86_64/foreman-client-release.rpm
yum -y install katello-agent
Not a huge issue for us, but any help would be appreciated. I’m new at working with this stack, so mistakes on my part are certainly highly probable.