Docker w/ proxy back to katello

Perhaps this is not a common situation, or I don't know how networking enough… both very likely!

I have katello running in a VM on my laptop (f19, yes I know very old). In /etc/httpd/conf.d/proxy.conf I have this:

<IfModule mod_proxy.c>
ProxyRequests On

ProxyPass /pub/ http://katello/pub/
ProxyPassReverse /pub/ http://katello/pub/

ProxyPass / http://katello:3000/
ProxyPassReverse / http://katello:3000/

ProxyPass /docker/ https://katello:5000/
ProxyPassReverse /docker/ https://katello:5000/

ProxyVia On

I don't know how to map incoming ports to the laptop in proxy.conf for mod_proxy. (If I could do that, I think my problems would be solved.)

I have set up my desktop as a docker compute resource and the communication from the katello VM to it is fine. (I can see good traffic from launching a container from the VM to the desktop.)

My problem is that docker on the desktop is trying to hit https://katello:5000/v1 which doesn't work. If it tried https://katello/docker/v1 I think it would work.

Is there a way to configure the docker compute resource to use a different address? Is there a method that "real" users would use in this situation?

Thanks! I am trying to set up the desktop as my backup dev environment but thought it would be nice to use the hardware for docker and provisioning libvirt.

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Crane needs to have control over "/" on a port, due to the way the
docker API works. You'll likely need to set up a vhost to passthrough on
5000, or perhaps set up an ssh tunnel.

··· On 01/18/2016 05:21 PM, Tom McKay wrote: > > Perhaps this is not a common situation, or I don't know how networking enough... both very likely! > > I have katello running in a VM on my laptop (f19, yes I know very old). In /etc/httpd/conf.d/proxy.conf I have this: > > > ProxyRequests On > > ProxyPass /pub/ http://katello/pub/ > ProxyPassReverse /pub/ http://katello/pub/ > > ProxyPass / http://katello:3000/ > ProxyPassReverse / http://katello:3000/ > > ProxyPass /docker/ https://katello:5000/ > ProxyPassReverse /docker/ https://katello:5000/ > > ProxyVia On > > > I don't know how to map incoming ports to the laptop in proxy.conf for mod_proxy. (If I could do that, I think my problems would be solved.) > > I have set up my desktop as a docker compute resource and the communication from the katello VM to it is fine. (I can see good traffic from launching a container from the VM to the desktop.) > > My problem is that docker on the desktop is trying to hit https://katello:5000/v1 which doesn't work. If it tried https://katello/docker/v1 I think it would work. > > Is there a way to configure the docker compute resource to use a different address? Is there a method that "real" users would use in this situation? > > Thanks! I am trying to set up the desktop as my backup dev environment but thought it would be nice to use the hardware for docker and provisioning libvirt. > >