Facts refresh required with discovery image


I've noticed what I think is a bug with the discovery image.

We're building some servers on Hyper-V, using PXE boot and the foreman
discovery image.

The current VM's I'm building are gen1 and have 3 network adapters, 2
standard and 1 legacy (so we can pxe boot it).

When the discovery image boots up and talks to Foreman, the host appears in
the discovered hosts tab as expected. All good.

However, the facts that are being reported to Foreman don't show all of the
network interfaces, they only show the legacy interface that it PXE'ed from.
This obviously affects provisioning as the gui only shows that one
If I click "Refresh Facts" in the foreman gui, the other interfaces then
show up and I can configure all three interfaces as required.

I'm not sure if this is just a Hyper-V VM issue or whether other platforms
are also affected.


> I'm not sure if this is just a Hyper-V VM issue or whether other platforms
> are also affected.

This has been resolved in Refactor #11241: Use NetworkManager dispatcher script instead of dhclient to download extensions - Discovery - Foreman

Will be part of the next image release. Try our nightly build:


To init all interfaces you need to profide fdi.initnet=all now, we only
initialize PXE interface by default now.

ยทยทยท -- Later, Lukas #lzap Zapletal

Excellent, thanks. I'll give it a try.