Facts upload failed: Description has already been taken

Ok, my previous patch creates/finds OS with name “Debian 10”. I created a new patch on top of the original which modifies the way how description of Debian system is cleaned up and it creates “Debian 10.3” in your case. I don’t know if this is what we used to do tho, test it and let me know.

The patch is little bit more complex now, use GNU patch to modify or revert on your deployment. See the same PR, new commit.

Thank you so much. It works fine for Debian 10 (buster)!

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Sorry for this stupid question but since I can’t get any new debian 10 machines show up in the hosts tab on the foreman dashboard, how can I apply this fix ? Foreman version 1.22 running on debian 9 in a LXC container here. Can upgrade to 1.24 if necessary.

Change those files in our container either manually or using GNU patch.