Fedora 30 deployment katello-agent vs REX


when i deploy a fedora 30 workstation without katello-agent i see a Warning in the hosts properties:


The same depoyment with katello-agent looks OK:

What could be the reason for this Warning?
Does REX not fully support fedora30?

Also i dont see any facts for the fedora maschines (until i start ansible roles first time of course but this facts comes from ansible).

Is it expected to see facts for fedora maschines?


$ rpm -qa |grep subscription-manager

foreman version 1.24.2


this is not related to REX (remote execution plugin), Katello can’t tell what’s the Errata status (e.g. is some applicable?) because it does not get data from katello-agent on this box (it’s not installed). Perhaps someone from @katello knows better if it can be disabled if you are not interested in this information for particular hosts.

Hello @tomabg ,

Katello-agent will be deprecated in katello 3.16. You should be able to get applicability and other operations working on the fedora box with subscription-manager and REX.

thats why i asked the question…without katello agent on fedora 30 i see a warning in GUI…so it seems then subscription-manager is not fully working on fedora 30.

@jturel: Do we need to add deprecation warnings on this page for 3.16?

Quick clarification: katello-agent has nothing to do with errata status. My answer here still holds true. I’m mentioning this to avoid conflating katello-agent and katello-host-tools.

The message you’re seeing: Could not calculate errata status, ensure host is registered and the katello-host-tools package is installed is a little confusing since newer versions of subscription-manager report all of the necessary information. katello-host-tools is not required unless you’re using katello-agent rather than REX to install packages and errata, or you’re on an older platform like EL6 which has older subscription-manager.

That message also shows up if you don’t have any repositories enabled on the host. This is where I think we should show a different message. Even if Katello has the installed package and enabled repo information from the host (via katello-host-tools or subscription-manager) there’s nothing to calculate since there aren’t any enabled repositories.

I have enabled repos on the host via content view…see screenshot
Even when i go to content–>errata–>recalculate it ends up successfull.
However stll the warning is shown in the host overview.

from the log subscription-manager seems to try to read some old yum config-files that no more exist in fedora 30

subscription-manager version
server type: Red Hat Subscription Management
subscription management server: 3.14.1-Unknown
subscription management rules: 5.37
subscription-manager: 1.25.9-1.fc30

head /var/log/rhsm/rhsm.log
2020-05-18 16:38:19,837 [WARNING] subscription-manager:12693:MainThread @repolib.py:124 - Configuration file of yum plugin: “/etc/yum/pluginconf.d/subscription-manager.conf” cannot be read
2020-05-18 16:38:19,837 [WARNING] subscription-manager:12693:MainThread @repolib.py:124 - Configuration file of yum plugin: “/etc/yum/pluginconf.d/product-id.conf” cannot be read
2020-05-18 16:38:20,119 [WARNING] subscription-manager:12694:MainThread @repolib.py:124 - Configuration file of yum plugin: “/etc/yum/pluginconf.d/subscription-manager.conf” cannot be read
2020-05-18 16:38:20,119 [WARNING] subscription-manager:12694:MainThread @repolib.py:124 - Configuration file of yum plugin: “/etc/yum/pluginconf.d/product-id.conf” cannot be read
2020-05-18 16:38:20,385 [WARNING] subscription-manager:12695:MainThread @repolib.py:124 - Configuration file of yum plugin: “/etc/yum/pluginconf.d/subscription-manager.conf” cannot be read
2020-05-18 16:38:20,385 [WARNING] subscription-manager:12695:MainThread @repolib.py:124 - Configuration file of yum plugin: “/etc/yum/pluginconf.d/product-id.conf” cannot be read
2020-05-18 16:38:27,605 [INFO] subscription-manager:12718:MainThread @entcertlib.py:131 - certs updated:
Total updates: 2

tree /etc/yum/
├── fssnap.d
├── pluginconf.d
├── protected.d
├── vars
└── version-groups.conf

tree /etc/dnf/
├── aliases.d
├── dnf.conf
├── modules.d
├── modules.defaults.d
├── plugins
│ ├── copr.conf
│ ├── copr.d
│ ├── debuginfo-install.conf
│ ├── product-id.conf
│ └── subscription-manager.conf
├── protected.d
│ ├── dnf.conf
│ ├── sudo.conf
│ └── systemd.conf
└── vars

7 directories, 8 files

could this maybe the reason?

@tomabg I checked to make sure that the version of subscription-manager in Fedora30 supports uploading the package+repos information (making katello-host-tools unnecessary) and it does. Two things to check on the client:

subscription-manager repos - make sure you see the repos you’ve enabled in the UI. They should show up by now due to the daemon that subscription-manager uses in the background. If not, run subscription-manager refresh

If the repos look good, install, remove, or reinstall some package on the client. That will trigger the enabled repos to get uploaded and should clear the warning that you see.

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after deinstall/install package tree the Warning disapeared in UI
also i have noticed that facts are uploaded only after a subscription-manager facts --update

Thanks for the tip