Few question about product's size, client state and erratas


I am now using Katello and I would like to know a few things. I installed Katello 3.6 and a work mostly on CentOS 7.

  1. I would like to check my products’ size or juste the size per repository. I don’t know if it’s possible. (+ Is there a site which show us the total size of the repo?)

  2. To have erratas (for CentOS 7 for example), must I use a script with Redis server? (-> I found this : https://github.com/nicolas-r/katello-centos-errata-import/tree/afaadb6d90663ff17f71a1668e3ebb5125144b65 )
    Couldn’t it be easier? Because I have problemes about the installation of python modules…

  3. When we look at our clients on Katello, can we see the state of them? (To know if the clients are up to date or not)

Thank you for your help and sorry for my bad english !


Not IIRC - https://github.com/RedHatSatellite/pulp-planner can tell you about Red Hat repos.

There is also https://github.com/rdrgmnzs/pulp_centos_errata_import though I haven’t used it.

Yes! :slight_smile:

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Thank you very much !

In your case, do you use https://github.com/nicolas-r/katello-centos-errata-import/tree/afaadb6d90663ff17f71a1668e3ebb5125144b65 for importing erratas ?

I can’t install the lxml module. When I run the script It says to install the lxml module but I have already this package (python-lxml-3.2.1-4.el7.x86_64) installed… If I find not the problem I will test your alternativ :smirk:

There are no erratas in CentOS!


Edit: Oh, actually this is the workaround. Updating my article then… :slight_smile:

Yes but to install the workaround, I need to install the xml python module but I always get an error…

Is there a repo to install the modules (lxml, pyaml ect) for python ? I am using CentOS 7.

I finally managed to import the erratas for CentOS 7 repo BUT i have this : https://imgur.com/a/QVPKldH :frowning:

In this case, there are not just a product for CentOS 7 (which contains os and updates repos). There is also a product for EPEL 7 (where there are its erratas automatically).

I don’t understand why it does that… :confused:

It’s done, everything is good :slight_smile:

Care to share what the issue was? You may help someone else following along :slight_smile:

Yes, this would be a good blogpost candidate - CentOS erratas is something that lots of people might actually want.

Yes, sorry I had not time.

To get erratas for CentOS, I did :

  1. Install Python 3.6 with pip -> https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-python-3-and-set-up-a-local-programming-environment-on-centos-7

  2. Install modules and ohers needed :
    yum install pulp-admin-client pulp-rpm-admin-extensions redis
    pip3.6 install lxml PyYAML pyaml redis requests

  3. Check if Redis servre works and confgure it to persistent -> https://www.linode.com/docs/databases/redis/install-and-configure-redis-on-centos-7/

  4. Follow instructions in https://github.com/nicolas-r/katello-centos-errata-import
    /!\ There may be space errors in the config.yaml file