Foreman 1.5 upgrade node.rb woes

Hello All –

I am having a pickle of a time trying to suss out what has happened to my
Foreman setup post-upgrade. Was previously on 1.4 latest running on
CentOS6.5. Upgraded to CentOS6.6 and followed shortly by an upgrade to
Foreman 1.5.3 via the RPM method. Machines are able to check in but they do
not get their Host Group config only the default config. We have two host
groups with four environments – one host group (with several sub-groups)
for the majority of machines and one that defines a lab environment.
Machines setup in the Lab group run a special script to kick them over to a
testing server and away from production.

I can find nothing in the logs that is a clew – every machine is checking
in after all.

I have noticed that node.rb does not return any classes:

[user@myserver puppet]# ./node.rb testmachine

··· --- environment: release parameters: owner_name: Admin User puppetmaster: "" foreman_env: release root_pw: abc: "123" owner_email: root@somedomain hostgroup: Base classes: {}

Please help!

Here is what I would expect from a production foreman puppetmaster:

··· --- classes: switch-to-dev: parameters: owner_email: foreman_env: prod puppetmaster: "" owner_name: dux root_pw: hostgroup: Lab abc: "123" environment: prod

We use the DefaultHostgroup plugin as well. After the upgrade the plugin
had no configuration but has since been configured:
(Before --)
Started POST “/api/hosts/facts” for at 2014-12-09 03:56:59 +0000
Processing by Api::V2::HostsController#facts as JSON
Parameters: {“facts”=>"[FILTERED]", “name”=>“K2100.kiosk”,
“certname”=>“k2100.kiosk”, “apiv”=>“v2”, “host”=>{“facts”=>"[FILTERED]",
“name”=>“K2100.kiosk”, “certname”=>“k2100.kiosk”}}
Import facts for ‘k2100.kiosk’ completed. Added: 0, Updated: 5, Deleted 0
DefaultHostgroupMatch: Could not load default_hostgroup map from settings,
check config.

Completed 201 Created in 240ms (Views: 32.5ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)

Started GET “/node/k2100.kiosk?format=yml” for at 2014-12-09
03:56:59 +0000
Processing by HostsController#externalNodes as YML
Parameters: {“name”=>“k2100.kiosk”}
Rendered text template (0.0ms)
Completed 200 OK in 140ms (Views: 0.8ms | ActiveRecord: 34.0ms)

(AFTER --)

Started GET “/node/k5034.kiosk?format=yml” for at 2014-12-11
19:20:14 +0000
Processing by HostsController#externalNodes as YML
Parameters: {“name”=>“k5034.kiosk”}
Rendered text template (0.0ms)
Completed 200 OK in 468ms (Views: 0.7ms | ActiveRecord: 60.9ms)

Started POST “/api/hosts/facts” for at 2014-12-11 19:20:23 +0000
Processing by Api::V2::HostsController#facts as JSON
Parameters: {“certname”=>“k5034.kiosk”, “facts”=>"[FILTERED]",
“name”=>“K5034.kiosk”, “apiv”=>“v2”, “host”=>{“certname”=>“k5034.kiosk”,
“facts”=>"[FILTERED]", “name”=>“K5034.kiosk”}}
Import facts for ‘k5034.kiosk’ completed. Added: 0, Updated: 6, Deleted 0
Completed 201 Created in 196ms (Views: 32.9ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)

Started GET “/node/k5034.kiosk?format=yml” for at 2014-12-11
19:20:23 +0000
Processing by HostsController#externalNodes as YML
Parameters: {“name”=>“k5034.kiosk”}
Rendered text template (0.0ms)
Completed 200 OK in 138ms (Views: 0.7ms | ActiveRecord: 57.7ms)

Started POST “/api/reports” for at 2014-12-11 19:20:27 +0000
Processing by Api::V2::ReportsController#create as JSON
Parameters: {“report”=>"[FILTERED]", “apiv”=>“v2”}
processing report for k5034.kiosk
Imported report for k5034.kiosk in 0.03 seconds
Completed 201 Created in 99ms (Views: 26.8ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)