Foreman 2.4 / Katello 4 - iPXE not working

Sadly no, I installed this using the new foreman.operations.installer role, I ran it with the following, mostly default, options:

- name: 'Set versions'
    foreman_repositories_version: 2.4
    foreman_repositories_katello_version: 4.0
    foreman_installer_package: 'foreman-installer-katello'
    foreman_installer_scenario: 'katello'

- name: 'Set installer options'
      - "--foreman-initial-admin-password {{ foreman_admin_password | quote }}"`

# Some other steps to setup repos, but those are not relevant now

- name: 'Run Foreman/Katello installer'
    name: 'theforeman.operations.installer'

The full playbook is here: ansible-role-foreman/install_foreman.yml at foreman_24_katello_4 · Thulium-Drake/ansible-role-foreman · GitHub

Is this an answer to Ewoud question? Because I was gonna ask the same.

The unattended controller tries to find a host via REMOTE_IP from Rails stack which also takes X-Forwarded-For headers into consideration.

One thing that looks like a bug is this line:

if @host.nil? && params[:bootstrap]

I think it should be:

if params[:bootstrap]

because the bootstap parameter should take precedence over a host found in the database, which can be actually the HTTP proxy host. For bootstrap there is no MAC so the controller fallsback to IP, if you do this change that could help your use case.

If you confirm, file an issue and we have a nice bugfix :slight_smile:

Well it certainly fixes something!

So booting a unknown machine works, these are the log entries in /var/log/foreman/production.log:

2021-05-06T19:03:45 [I|app|1b1973d5] Started GET "/unattended/iPXE?bootstrap=1&url=http%3A%2F%2Fforeman.lbhr.htm.lan%3A8000" for at 2021-05-06 19:03:45 -0400
2021-05-06T19:03:45 [I|app|1b1973d5] Processing by UnattendedController#host_template as TEXT
2021-05-06T19:03:45 [I|app|1b1973d5]   Parameters: {"bootstrap"=>"1", "url"=>"http://foreman.lbhr.htm.lan:8000", "kind"=>"iPXE", "unattended"=>{}}
2021-05-06T19:03:45 [W|app|1b1973d5] #banana foreman.lbhr.htm.lan
2021-05-06T19:03:45 [W|app|1b1973d5] Could not find a provider for foreman.lbhr.htm.lan. Providers returned {"Katello::ManagedContentMediumProvider"=>["Kickstart repository was not set for host 'foreman.lbhr.htm.lan'", "Content source was not set for host 'foreman.lbhr.htm.lan'"], "MediumProviders::Default"=>["CentOS 8.2.2004 medium was not set for host 'foreman.lbhr.htm.lan'", "Invalid medium '' for 'CentOS 8.2.2004'"]}
2021-05-06T19:03:45 [I|app|1b1973d5]   Rendering text template
2021-05-06T19:03:45 [I|app|1b1973d5]   Rendered text template (Duration: 0.0ms | Allocations: 3)
2021-05-06T19:03:45 [I|app|1b1973d5] Completed 200 OK in 68ms (Views: 0.8ms | ActiveRecord: 22.4ms | Allocations: 33663)
2021-05-06T19:03:49 [I|app|e6b11323] Started GET "/unattended/iPXE?mac=82%3A96%3A86%3Acf%3A26%3A71&url=http%3A%2F%2Fforeman.lbhr.htm.lan%3A8000" for at 2021-05-06 19:03:49 -0400
2021-05-06T19:03:49 [I|app|e6b11323] Processing by UnattendedController#host_template as TEXT
2021-05-06T19:03:49 [I|app|e6b11323]   Parameters: {"mac"=>"82:96:86:cf:26:71", "url"=>"http://foreman.lbhr.htm.lan:8000", "kind"=>"iPXE", "unattended"=>{}}
2021-05-06T19:03:49 [W|app|e6b11323] #banana 
2021-05-06T19:03:49 [I|app|e6b11323]   Rendering text template
2021-05-06T19:03:49 [I|app|e6b11323]   Rendered text template (Duration: 0.0ms | Allocations: 2)
2021-05-06T19:03:49 [I|app|e6b11323] Completed 200 OK in 31ms (Views: 0.7ms | ActiveRecord: 6.8ms | Allocations: 8202)

The VM successfully boots the FDI, gets registered in Foreman and can be set up to install itself with an OS.

However, something weird happens after I have installed CentOS7 on it (there’s also something odd in the setup itself, but it seems only cosmetic, I’ll investigate that later).

So after installing, the system still wants to do PXE boot, however, the template provided to the system doesn’t really work:

It will boot, eventually, but it takes longer then it needs to. So it’s not a problem, but I’d still consider it a regression. As the boot up in Foreman 2.3.3 is so fast I can’t even screenshot it :slight_smile:

Forgot to add these… :

2021-05-06T19:50:32 [I|app|6822739b] Started GET "/unattended/iPXE?bootstrap=1&url=http%3A%2F%2Fforeman.lbhr.htm.lan%3A8000" for at 2021-05-06 19:50:32 -0400
2021-05-06T19:50:32 [I|app|6822739b] Processing by UnattendedController#host_template as TEXT
2021-05-06T19:50:32 [I|app|6822739b]   Parameters: {"bootstrap"=>"1", "url"=>"http://foreman.lbhr.htm.lan:8000", "kind"=>"iPXE", "unattended"=>{}}
2021-05-06T19:50:32 [W|app|6822739b] #banana foreman.lbhr.htm.lan
2021-05-06T19:50:32 [W|app|6822739b] Could not find a provider for foreman.lbhr.htm.lan. Providers returned {"Katello::ManagedContentMediumProvider"=>["Kickstart repository was not set for host 'foreman.lbhr.htm.lan'", "Content source was not set for host 'foreman.lbhr.htm.lan'"], "MediumProviders::Default"=>["CentOS 8.2.2004 medium was not set for host 'foreman.lbhr.htm.lan'", "Invalid medium '' for 'CentOS 8.2.2004'"]}
2021-05-06T19:50:32 [I|app|6822739b]   Rendering text template
2021-05-06T19:50:32 [I|app|6822739b]   Rendered text template (Duration: 0.0ms | Allocations: 3)
2021-05-06T19:50:32 [I|app|6822739b] Completed 200 OK in 83ms (Views: 0.7ms | ActiveRecord: 25.0ms | Allocations: 33426)
2021-05-06T19:50:35 [I|app|cb304c2f] Started GET "/unattended/iPXE?mac=82%3A96%3A86%3Acf%3A26%3A71&url=http%3A%2F%2Fforeman.lbhr.htm.lan%3A8000" for at 2021-05-06 19:50:35 -0400
2021-05-06T19:50:35 [I|app|cb304c2f] Processing by UnattendedController#host_template as TEXT
2021-05-06T19:50:35 [I|app|cb304c2f]   Parameters: {"mac"=>"82:96:86:cf:26:71", "url"=>"http://foreman.lbhr.htm.lan:8000", "kind"=>"iPXE", "unattended"=>{}}
2021-05-06T19:50:35 [W|app|cb304c2f] #banana mac829686cf2671.lbhr.htm.lan
2021-05-06T19:50:35 [I|app|cb304c2f]   Rendering text template
2021-05-06T19:50:35 [I|app|cb304c2f]   Rendered text template (Duration: 0.0ms | Allocations: 4)
2021-05-06T19:50:35 [I|app|cb304c2f] Completed 200 OK in 179ms (Views: 2.0ms | ActiveRecord: 44.5ms | Allocations: 62973)

Just a check, this is basically the ‘false’ rendered by the controller, right?
As the host at the second attempt is:

  • not empty
  • does not have the build flag set

And as the fix you suggested does work for the most important part, this is how the function now looks on my system (I removed the debugging stuff)

  def render_ipxe_template
    return false unless ipxe_request?

    if params[:bootstrap]
      return true

    if @host.nil?
      return true

    unless @host.try(:build?)
      return true


Let me describe how this should work:

  • A host request a iPXE with boostrap option, Foreman reply with the bootstrap template (same for all hosts).
  • The host reads it and makes another call now with iPXE?mac=MAC_ADDRESS. It should loop this for every single NIC adapter available.
  • If Foreman find a host with NIC, it returns its iPXE template (associated with the host) if in build mode.
  • If the host is not in build mode it returns local boot template (same for all hosts).
  • If host is not found, then it returns global template (same for all hosts).

Now, the first step looks good in your case. However immediately after that I see a request /unattended/iPXE without any mac= argument. This is not correct, can you investigate what is in your intermediate template? You should see something like this:

See it rendered, it uses foreman_url which received some changes in argument handling recently. Maybe this renders incorrectly. When I render it with nightly it looks okay to me:

Oh in the screenshot I did not see mac argument, however in the log paste I do see it. Let’s continue then.

If you enabled debug mode, we would see more details I am pretty sure there are some “found host XYZ” messages. Now I think I see a bug there.

The second statement in the method only tests on host presence: @host.nil?. If you have a server with multiple NICs and the first NIC is not the one that is active, the first query could actually resolve to @host being nil, Foreman should skip it returning 404 which makes the bootstrap script to continue the loop. But the current code, which has been recently (2.1/2.3) changed does return global template. This is incorrect.

Here is a patch that should correct this, multiple mistakes were made:

This is what I do think is the problem. Note how it recognizes Then if we remember this line:

That indicates it should really use It doesn’t recognize that is a valid reverse proxy. That means it detects the remote IP incorrectly.

Can you try adding this to /etc/foreman/settings.yaml:

# ... existing config
  - ""
  - "::1"
  - ""

Then run systemctl restart foreman and try again.

Hmmm then I think how better we could this communicate to users? This is such pain to figure out.

Thanks for the explanation! :slight_smile:

@lzap So to dig into the templates I used a known and a different, unknown VM:

The intermediate looks good on both:

# Intermediate iPXE script to report MAC address to Foreman

isset ${net0/mac} || goto no_nic
dhcp net0 || goto net1
chain http://foreman.lbhr.htm.lan:8000/unattended/iPXE?mac=${net0/mac} || goto net1

isset ${net1/mac} || goto no_nic
dhcp net1 || goto net2
chain http://foreman.lbhr.htm.lan:8000/unattended/iPXE?mac=${net1/mac} || goto net2

isset ${net2/mac} || goto no_nic
dhcp net2 || goto net3
chain http://foreman.lbhr.htm.lan:8000/unattended/iPXE?mac=${net2/mac} || goto net3

isset ${net3/mac} || goto no_nic
dhcp net3 || goto net4
chain http://foreman.lbhr.htm.lan:8000/unattended/iPXE?mac=${net3/mac} || goto net4

isset ${net4/mac} || goto no_nic
dhcp net4 || goto net5
chain http://foreman.lbhr.htm.lan:8000/unattended/iPXE?mac=${net4/mac} || goto net5

isset ${net5/mac} || goto no_nic
dhcp net5 || goto net6
chain http://foreman.lbhr.htm.lan:8000/unattended/iPXE?mac=${net5/mac} || goto net6

isset ${net6/mac} || goto no_nic
dhcp net6 || goto net7
chain http://foreman.lbhr.htm.lan:8000/unattended/iPXE?mac=${net6/mac} || goto net7

isset ${net7/mac} || goto no_nic
dhcp net7 || goto net8
chain http://foreman.lbhr.htm.lan:8000/unattended/iPXE?mac=${net7/mac} || goto net8

isset ${net8/mac} || goto no_nic
dhcp net8 || goto net9
chain http://foreman.lbhr.htm.lan:8000/unattended/iPXE?mac=${net8/mac} || goto net9

isset ${net9/mac} || goto no_nic
dhcp net9 || goto net10
chain http://foreman.lbhr.htm.lan:8000/unattended/iPXE?mac=${net9/mac} || goto net10

isset ${net10/mac} || goto no_nic
dhcp net10 || goto net11
chain http://foreman.lbhr.htm.lan:8000/unattended/iPXE?mac=${net10/mac} || goto net11

isset ${net11/mac} || goto no_nic
dhcp net11 || goto net12
chain http://foreman.lbhr.htm.lan:8000/unattended/iPXE?mac=${net11/mac} || goto net12

isset ${net12/mac} || goto no_nic
dhcp net12 || goto net13
chain http://foreman.lbhr.htm.lan:8000/unattended/iPXE?mac=${net12/mac} || goto net13

isset ${net13/mac} || goto no_nic
dhcp net13 || goto net14
chain http://foreman.lbhr.htm.lan:8000/unattended/iPXE?mac=${net13/mac} || goto net14

isset ${net14/mac} || goto no_nic
dhcp net14 || goto net15
chain http://foreman.lbhr.htm.lan:8000/unattended/iPXE?mac=${net14/mac} || goto net15

isset ${net15/mac} || goto no_nic
dhcp net15 || goto net16
chain http://foreman.lbhr.htm.lan:8000/unattended/iPXE?mac=${net15/mac} || goto net16

isset ${net16/mac} || goto no_nic
dhcp net16 || goto net17
chain http://foreman.lbhr.htm.lan:8000/unattended/iPXE?mac=${net16/mac} || goto net17

isset ${net17/mac} || goto no_nic
dhcp net17 || goto net18
chain http://foreman.lbhr.htm.lan:8000/unattended/iPXE?mac=${net17/mac} || goto net18

isset ${net18/mac} || goto no_nic
dhcp net18 || goto net19
chain http://foreman.lbhr.htm.lan:8000/unattended/iPXE?mac=${net18/mac} || goto net19

isset ${net19/mac} || goto no_nic
dhcp net19 || goto net20
chain http://foreman.lbhr.htm.lan:8000/unattended/iPXE?mac=${net19/mac} || goto net20

isset ${net20/mac} || goto no_nic
dhcp net20 || goto net21
chain http://foreman.lbhr.htm.lan:8000/unattended/iPXE?mac=${net20/mac} || goto net21

isset ${net21/mac} || goto no_nic
dhcp net21 || goto net22
chain http://foreman.lbhr.htm.lan:8000/unattended/iPXE?mac=${net21/mac} || goto net22

isset ${net22/mac} || goto no_nic
dhcp net22 || goto net23
chain http://foreman.lbhr.htm.lan:8000/unattended/iPXE?mac=${net22/mac} || goto net23

isset ${net23/mac} || goto no_nic
dhcp net23 || goto net24
chain http://foreman.lbhr.htm.lan:8000/unattended/iPXE?mac=${net23/mac} || goto net24

isset ${net24/mac} || goto no_nic
dhcp net24 || goto net25
chain http://foreman.lbhr.htm.lan:8000/unattended/iPXE?mac=${net24/mac} || goto net25

isset ${net25/mac} || goto no_nic
dhcp net25 || goto net26
chain http://foreman.lbhr.htm.lan:8000/unattended/iPXE?mac=${net25/mac} || goto net26

isset ${net26/mac} || goto no_nic
dhcp net26 || goto net27
chain http://foreman.lbhr.htm.lan:8000/unattended/iPXE?mac=${net26/mac} || goto net27

isset ${net27/mac} || goto no_nic
dhcp net27 || goto net28
chain http://foreman.lbhr.htm.lan:8000/unattended/iPXE?mac=${net27/mac} || goto net28

isset ${net28/mac} || goto no_nic
dhcp net28 || goto net29
chain http://foreman.lbhr.htm.lan:8000/unattended/iPXE?mac=${net28/mac} || goto net29

isset ${net29/mac} || goto no_nic
dhcp net29 || goto net30
chain http://foreman.lbhr.htm.lan:8000/unattended/iPXE?mac=${net29/mac} || goto net30

isset ${net30/mac} || goto no_nic
dhcp net30 || goto net31
chain http://foreman.lbhr.htm.lan:8000/unattended/iPXE?mac=${net30/mac} || goto net31

isset ${net31/mac} || goto no_nic
dhcp net31 || goto net32
chain http://foreman.lbhr.htm.lan:8000/unattended/iPXE?mac=${net31/mac} || goto net32

isset ${net32/mac} || goto no_nic
dhcp net32 || goto net33
chain http://foreman.lbhr.htm.lan:8000/unattended/iPXE?mac=${net32/mac} || goto net33

goto no_nic

exit 0

echo Failed to chainload from any network interface
sleep 30
exit 1

So far, so good.

For the unkown VM, when I call the URL mentioned in the template (but I set the MAC myself) it looks like this:


echo Opening global default menu in 5 seconds...
sleep 5

set menu-default discovery
set menu-timeout 5000
set port 8448

menu iPXE global boot menu
item --key l local     Local boot (next entry)
item shell             Drop into iPXE shell
item reboot            Reboot system
item --key d discovery Discovery from ${next-server}:8000 (httpboot module)
item discovery_custom Discovery from ${next-server}:${port} (httpboot module)
choose --timeout ${menu-timeout} --default ${menu-default} selected || goto cancel
set menu-timeout 0
goto ${selected}

echo Menu canceled, dropping to shell

echo Use the command 'exit' to return to menu
set menu-timeout 0
goto start

echo Boot failed, dropping to shell
goto shell


exit 1

kernel http://${next-server}:8000/httpboot/boot/fdi-image/vmlinuz0 initrd=initrd0.img rootflags=loop root=live:/fdi.iso rootfstype=auto ro acpi=force rd.luks=0 rd.lvm=0 rd.bootif=0 rd.neednet=0 nomodeset nokaslr proxy.type=foreman BOOTIF=01-${net0/mac} fdi.countdown=10
initrd http://${next-server}:8000/httpboot/boot/fdi-image/initrd0.img
sleep 2
boot || goto failed
goto start

kernel http://${next-server}:${port}/httpboot/boot/fdi-image/vmlinuz0 initrd=initrd0.img rootflags=loop root=live:/fdi.iso rootfstype=auto ro acpi=force rd.luks=0 rd.lvm=0 rd.bootif=0 rd.neednet=0 nomodeset nokaslr proxy.type=foreman BOOTIF=01-${net0/mac} fdi.countdown=10
initrd http://${next-server}:${port}/httpboot/boot/fdi-image/initrd0.img
sleep 2
boot || goto failed

And for the known VM like this:


# Skips booting from network and continues booting from next device
exit 1

This is the corresponding /var/log/foreman-proxy/proxy.log for the unknown VM:

2021-05-08T05:21:47 5138cea0 [I] Started GET /unattended/iPXE bootstrap=1
2021-05-08T05:21:47 5138cea0 [D] Template: request for unattended/iPXE using {"bootstrap"=>"1", "url"=>"http://foreman.lbhr.htm.lan:8000"} at foreman.lbhr.htm.lan
2021-05-08T05:21:47 5138cea0 [D] Retrieving a template from https://foreman.lbhr.htm.lan//unattended/iPXE?bootstrap=1&url=http%3A%2F%2Fforeman.lbhr.htm.lan%3A8000
2021-05-08T05:21:47 5138cea0 [D] HTTP headers: {"USER_AGENT"=>"curl/7.64.0", "ACCEPT"=>"*/*", "X-Forwarded-For"=>", foreman.lbhr.htm.lan"}
2021-05-08T05:21:48 5138cea0 [I] Finished GET /unattended/iPXE with 200 (82.77 ms)
2021-05-08T05:22:20  [D] Starting allocated ip addresses cleanup pass...
2021-05-08T05:23:20  [D] Starting allocated ip addresses cleanup pass...
2021-05-08T05:24:20  [D] Starting allocated ip addresses cleanup pass...
2021-05-08T05:24:22 e772d329 [I] Started GET /unattended/iPXE mac=52:d6:61:a8:05:b1
2021-05-08T05:24:22 e772d329 [D] Template: request for unattended/iPXE using {"mac"=>"52:d6:61:a8:05:b1", "url"=>"http://foreman.lbhr.htm.lan:8000"} at foreman.lbhr.htm.lan
2021-05-08T05:24:22 e772d329 [D] Retrieving a template from https://foreman.lbhr.htm.lan//unattended/iPXE?mac=52%3Ad6%3A61%3Aa8%3A05%3Ab1&url=http%3A%2F%2Fforeman.lbhr.htm.lan%3A8000
2021-05-08T05:24:22 e772d329 [D] HTTP headers: {"USER_AGENT"=>"curl/7.64.0", "ACCEPT"=>"*/*", "X-Forwarded-For"=>", foreman.lbhr.htm.lan"}
2021-05-08T05:24:22 e772d329 [I] Finished GET /unattended/iPXE with 200 (69.94 ms)

And this is /var/log/foreman/production.log for the unknown VM:

2021-05-08T05:21:48 [I|app|c2d043f0] Started GET "/unattended/iPXE?bootstrap=1&url=http%3A%2F%2Fforeman.lbhr.htm.lan%3A8000" for at 2021-05-08 05:21:48 -0400
2021-05-08T05:21:48 [I|app|c2d043f0] Processing by UnattendedController#host_template as TEXT
2021-05-08T05:21:48 [I|app|c2d043f0]   Parameters: {"bootstrap"=>"1", "url"=>"http://foreman.lbhr.htm.lan:8000", "kind"=>"iPXE", "unattended"=>{}}
2021-05-08T05:21:48 [W|app|c2d043f0] Could not find a provider for foreman.lbhr.htm.lan. Providers returned {"Katello::ManagedContentMediumProvider"=>["Kickstart repository was not set for host 'foreman.lbhr.htm.lan'", "Content source was not set for host 'foreman.lbhr.htm.lan'"], "MediumProviders::Default"=>["CentOS 8.2.2004 medium was not set for host 'foreman.lbhr.htm.lan'", "Invalid medium '' for 'CentOS 8.2.2004'"]}
2021-05-08T05:21:48 [I|app|c2d043f0]   Rendering text template
2021-05-08T05:21:48 [I|app|c2d043f0]   Rendered text template (Duration: 0.0ms | Allocations: 3)
2021-05-08T05:21:48 [I|app|c2d043f0] Completed 200 OK in 51ms (Views: 0.5ms | ActiveRecord: 7.3ms | Allocations: 33580)
2021-05-08T05:24:22 [I|app|442d7285] Started GET "/unattended/iPXE?mac=52%3Ad6%3A61%3Aa8%3A05%3Ab1&url=http%3A%2F%2Fforeman.lbhr.htm.lan%3A8000" for at 2021-05-08 05:24:22 -0400
2021-05-08T05:24:22 [I|app|442d7285] Processing by UnattendedController#host_template as TEXT
2021-05-08T05:24:22 [I|app|442d7285]   Parameters: {"mac"=>"52:d6:61:a8:05:b1", "url"=>"http://foreman.lbhr.htm.lan:8000", "kind"=>"iPXE", "unattended"=>{}}
2021-05-08T05:24:22 [I|app|442d7285]   Rendering text template
2021-05-08T05:24:22 [I|app|442d7285]   Rendered text template (Duration: 0.0ms | Allocations: 3)
2021-05-08T05:24:22 [I|app|442d7285] Completed 200 OK in 40ms (Views: 0.7ms | ActiveRecord: 18.0ms | Allocations: 11504)

This is the corresponding /var/log/foreman-proxy/proxy.log for the known VM:

2021-05-08T05:30:44 300144df [I] Started GET /unattended/iPXE bootstrap=1
2021-05-08T05:30:44 300144df [D] Template: request for unattended/iPXE using {"bootstrap"=>"1", "url"=>"http://foreman.lbhr.htm.lan:8000"} at foreman.lbhr.htm.lan
2021-05-08T05:30:44 300144df [D] Retrieving a template from https://foreman.lbhr.htm.lan//unattended/iPXE?bootstrap=1&url=http%3A%2F%2Fforeman.lbhr.htm.lan%3A8000
2021-05-08T05:30:44 300144df [D] HTTP headers: {"USER_AGENT"=>"curl/7.29.0", "ACCEPT"=>"*/*", "X-Forwarded-For"=>", foreman.lbhr.htm.lan"}
2021-05-08T05:30:44 300144df [I] Finished GET /unattended/iPXE with 200 (80.43 ms)
2021-05-08T05:30:59 eecfe533 [I] Started GET /unattended/iPXE mac=82:96:86:cf:26:71
2021-05-08T05:30:59 eecfe533 [D] Template: request for unattended/iPXE using {"mac"=>"82:96:86:cf:26:71", "url"=>"http://foreman.lbhr.htm.lan:8000"} at foreman.lbhr.htm.lan
2021-05-08T05:30:59 eecfe533 [D] Retrieving a template from https://foreman.lbhr.htm.lan//unattended/iPXE?mac=82%3A96%3A86%3Acf%3A26%3A71&url=http%3A%2F%2Fforeman.lbhr.htm.lan%3A8000
2021-05-08T05:30:59 eecfe533 [D] HTTP headers: {"USER_AGENT"=>"curl/7.29.0", "ACCEPT"=>"*/*", "X-Forwarded-For"=>", foreman.lbhr.htm.lan"}
2021-05-08T05:30:59 eecfe533 [I] Finished GET /unattended/iPXE with 200 (129.11 ms)

And this is /var/log/foreman/production.log for the known VM:

2021-05-08T05:30:44 [I|app|e7103b1c] Started GET "/unattended/iPXE?bootstrap=1&url=http%3A%2F%2Fforeman.lbhr.htm.lan%3A8000" for at 2021-05-08 05:30:44 -0400
2021-05-08T05:30:44 [I|app|e7103b1c] Processing by UnattendedController#host_template as TEXT
2021-05-08T05:30:44 [I|app|e7103b1c]   Parameters: {"bootstrap"=>"1", "url"=>"http://foreman.lbhr.htm.lan:8000", "kind"=>"iPXE", "unattended"=>{}}
2021-05-08T05:30:44 [W|app|e7103b1c] Could not find a provider for foreman.lbhr.htm.lan. Providers returned {"Katello::ManagedContentMediumProvider"=>["Kickstart repository was not set for host 'foreman.lbhr.htm.lan'", "Content source was not set for host 'foreman.lbhr.htm.lan'"], "MediumProviders::Default"=>["CentOS 8.2.2004 medium was not set for host 'foreman.lbhr.htm.lan'", "Invalid medium '' for 'CentOS 8.2.2004'"]}
2021-05-08T05:30:44 [I|app|e7103b1c]   Rendering text template
2021-05-08T05:30:44 [I|app|e7103b1c]   Rendered text template (Duration: 0.0ms | Allocations: 3)
2021-05-08T05:30:44 [I|app|e7103b1c] Completed 200 OK in 48ms (Views: 0.5ms | ActiveRecord: 6.7ms | Allocations: 33546)
2021-05-08T05:30:59 [I|app|9228e5d3] Started GET "/unattended/iPXE?mac=82%3A96%3A86%3Acf%3A26%3A71&url=http%3A%2F%2Fforeman.lbhr.htm.lan%3A8000" for at 2021-05-08 05:30:59 -0400
2021-05-08T05:30:59 [I|app|9228e5d3] Processing by UnattendedController#host_template as TEXT
2021-05-08T05:30:59 [I|app|9228e5d3]   Parameters: {"mac"=>"82:96:86:cf:26:71", "url"=>"http://foreman.lbhr.htm.lan:8000", "kind"=>"iPXE", "unattended"=>{}}
2021-05-08T05:30:59 [I|app|9228e5d3]   Rendering text template
2021-05-08T05:30:59 [I|app|9228e5d3]   Rendered text template (Duration: 0.0ms | Allocations: 2)
2021-05-08T05:30:59 [I|app|9228e5d3] Completed 200 OK in 96ms (Views: 0.5ms | ActiveRecord: 28.8ms | Allocations: 25589)

@ekohl Thanks for the suggestion! I tried it, but it didn’t change anything.

However, I did play around with the iPXE intermediate script for a bit, I was able to find out the following:

  • For a known host, the script will redirect to get iPXE default local boot
  • The iPXE default local boot will exit with whatever exit code is in there
    • exit 0 means that ‘booting’ the image is a succes
    • exit !0 means that ‘booting’ the image fails

Either way, it seems when the iPXE default local boot script exits, it will continue along the lines of the iPXE intermediate script, which will always end with no_nic printing the error message and sleeping for 30 seconds.

But I don’t know why :slight_smile:

Well I am out of idea, but I still see the X-Forwarded-For, are you able to try without HTTP proxy?

The thing I can’t really place is the hostname in X-Forwarded-For.

Are you using a content proxy? I get the impression you don’t, but want to make sure.

So is it:

client ( -> server (`


client ( -> proxy (foreman.lbhr.htm.lan) -> server (`?

Hi @ekohl @lzap

Nope, I made this lab as follows:

  • Install CentOS8.2 on the system
  • Run the foreman.operations.installer role to install it with Foreman/Katello
  • Configure it using the role I linked earlier.

But apart from the ‘usual’ (content, hostgroups etc) I didn’t configure anything in Foreman.

Can you do network dump, does iPXE firmware really send this header? Why? How? From what I was able to find, iPXE does not even support HTTP proxy. There must be some kind of transparent proxy in between you do not about - this is possible I have configured several these deployments myself (basically firewall is configured to forward requests to 80/443 via http proxy).

I configured the DHCP server to send the following URL to all systems booting from PXE:

I also checked the system and the process running on that port is not Apache:

[root@foreman ~]# ss -tulpan | grep 8000
tcp       LISTEN     0          128                                                       *                              users:(("smart-proxy",pid=60382,fd=17))                                        
tcp       LISTEN     0          128                               [::]:8000                                                  [::]:*                              users:(("smart-proxy",pid=60382,fd=18))   
[root@foreman ~]# ps aux |grep 60382
foreman+   60382  0.2  0.4 1018232 50032 ?       Ssl  08:24   0:00 /usr/bin/ruby /usr/share/foreman-proxy/bin/smart-proxy --no-daemonize
root       64925  0.0  0.0 221904  1100 pts/1    S+   08:30   0:00 grep --color=auto 60382

Apart from opening ports, I didn’t tell firewalld to do anything special:

[root@foreman ~]# firewall-cmd --list-all
public (active)
  target: default
  icmp-block-inversion: no
  interfaces: ens18
  services: cockpit dhcpv6-client ssh
  ports: 7/tcp 7/udp 53/tcp 53/udp 67/udp 69/udp 80/tcp 443/tcp 8000/tcp 5000/tcp 5646/tcp 5647/tcp 8140/tcp 8443/tcp 9090/tcp
  masquerade: no
  rich rules: 

Attached is a pcap file I made with Wireshark containing the boot process of a known VM. It starts at packet 13 (the DHCP discover). There you can also see that the server that responds is the foreman-proxy process (even though that still could happen when transparently proxied).

Some details: = foreman host (primary, not a smart proxy) = VM that boots up, already installed with CentOS7

ipxeboot.pcapng.log (15.1 KB)

Let me know if you need more information! :slight_smile:

It should look like this:

VM -> Smart Proxy (8000) -> Foreman (80)

You gather the http header somehow which mislead the controller.

I am still puzzled by this. If we saw X-Forwarded-For set to then I could say smart-proxy somehow adds this which was a bug. But you have there, that was a VM which was booting up, wasn’t it?

Right, but in the case of a single Foreman host, isn’t the smart proxy it’s internal smartproxy (I remember reading somewhere in either the Foreman or Satellite docs that it comes with it’s own ‘internal’ capsule/smartproxy).

Correct, that was also a VM. The IPs are bogus btw, it’s a local range on my laptop :slight_smile: and as I’ve tested multiple Foreman servers in there (I also have one with 2.3.3 installed), they sometimes differ a bit :wink:

I’ve investigated the pcap file and it does NOT have any X-Forwarded-For header.

So I looked up in the proxy codebase and indeed we add it there, that makes sense:

39:      proxy_headers["X-Forwarded-For"] = "#{env['REMOTE_ADDR']}, #{proxy_ip}"

Now the question is - why your proxy puts its own IP address into REMOTE_ADDR instead of your clients one. Can you investigate that? Probably some debug statements, show logs from proxy (there should be the IP address) etc.

So that Smart Proxy is the key and explains why we see a DNS name instead of an IP:

Here the host is a DNS name instead of an IP which the reverse proxy middleware can’t deal with. Previously it didn’t validate an intermediate values. Now that we do, it can’t handle this invalid data.

Now the question is, should we modify Foreman to also allow DNS names and filter those out as valid reverse proxies or modify Smart Proxy to send an IP?

X-Forwarded-For - HTTP | MDN only talks about IPs. So does X-Forwarded-For - Wikipedia. That suggests we should modify the Smart Proxy.

Now the question I have: do we even need to add the IP ourselves? I think Apache already appends the connecting IP so only setting X-Forwarded-For to REMOTE_ADDR could be sufficient but I’m not really sure.

For what it’s worth, it was introduced here:

@Thulium-Drake can you modify templates.yml configuration and set the template_url to an IP address to verify?

I agree let’s just drop this.

FYI, if you use the installer the correct use is --foreman-proxy-template-url MY_URL.