Foreman broken after `dnf update`

That is incorrect. foreman-installer saves the cli options. Running foreman-installer without options runs everything with your latest configuration and thus restores any files which a package update might have restored.

There may be a lot of more issues which you don’t even see immediately. Run foreman-installer. It fixes the problems, whatever it may be, with whatever package you may have updated.

Don’t try to manually fix problems when a single foreman-installer will fix them all.

running foreman-installer again ! mine didnt, it didnt find the dir where I put modules in a custom location. I used customized options , so needed to fish out my CLI options for this to work.

On the actual BUG, I would consider this to be the following!

  1. use of the default server :: issue with foreman
  2. writing ssl.conf in the 1st place, issue with rocky linux. it should never add this to a running webserver

this update took out a number of my apache.webservers.
is is possible for the foreman to just have an exclude in the main config for this system delivered file?

I don’t what you did. Me and many others simply run foreman-installer and it (re)configures the system how it is supposed to be. If you break it, you have to solve it. If you use different locations configure them with foreman-installer and it’ll work the next time.

That’s is well known and noted a long time ago.

So you are running additional webservers on your foreman server? I don’t think that’s really supported.

If it breaks on other servers, it doesn’t really has anything to do with foreman but then general rpm installations.

It’s really confusing what you write. It’s unclear if you only run foreman or other web servers on the same server. It’s unclear if you mean effects on other web servers on other servers or not.

Generally, I can say, if you don’t break it, it’ll work. Run foreman-installer after any update on the foreman server to restore any potential changes by the rpm update. Don’t mix and break.