Foreman Discovery 11.0.0 released (1.17 compatible)

Hey there,

Foreman Discovery 11.0 compatible with Foreman 1.17 series is being built. Report all issues during Release Candidate phase. Announcement will be sent to appropriate category once 1.17 is gold.

We were mostly catching up with core in this cycle with biggest items Rails 5 upgrade, migration to FactoryBot and improved fact importer. Some changes in UI and integration testing are also part of this release, more to come.

Complete list of changes:

  • Fixes #22297 - Fixed the pagination
  • Fixes #22145 - Set engine_name properly
  • Refs #22083 - Remove config/as_deprecation_whitelist.yaml
  • Fixes #21934 - Allow searching discovered host by taxonomy id
  • Fixes #21959 - Removed positional args from tests
  • Fixes #21819 - Add Rails 5 style migrations
  • Fixes #21908 - Safemode doesn’t allow to access ‘resbody’ on rescue
  • Fixes #21890 - Fact importer transaction check suppress in tests
  • Fixes #19440 - Integration test provisioning discovered hosts
  • Fixes #21527 - Start using factory bot
  • Fixes #20381 - Improved error message during kexec
  • Fixes #21087 - Correct Api doc for discovery rules
  • Fixes #21407 - Fix broken foreign keys
  • Fixes #21417 - Host update propagates facets

Special thanks to all contributors for this release in no particular order: Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden, Lars Berntzon, Lukas Zapletal, Marek Hulan, Michael Moll, Ondrej Prazak, Partha Aji, Rahul Bajaj, Sebastian Gräßl, Shimon Shtein and Tomer Brisker.

For Discovery 12.0 we are planning integration with Remote Execution plugin. What if you were able to run arbitrary scripts on discovered nodes? Do you like that? Tell us about it!

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Hello all,

I moved all discovery and image announcements from development/support categories to Release Announcements and gave them “discovery” tag. I want to get rid of neverending release notes from plugin docs and replace that with just one link:
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