Foreman Discovery 7.0.0 and Image 3.2.0 are out


I am late on the announcement due to my week off, but the packages were already
in our repos: Foreman Discovery 7.0.0 and Foreman Discovery Image 3.2.0.

These are Foreman 1.13+ compatible.

Foreman Discovery 7.0 is mostly a bugfix release with some refactoring around
strong parameters and UEFI support. Discovery now fully supports Debian/Ubuntu
operating systems in PXE-less environments (A Debian kexec template is provided
by default). Other noticeable changes:

Foreman Discovery Image 3.2 is ready for download and works with 7.0. The image
is smaller because unused MacOS EFI loaders were dropped. Preliminary support
for VLAN was added and the biosdevname package is present on the image,
therefore DELL systems will report network card names as expected. It is
possible to turn off this behavior tho via usual kernel command line option.

KMS video drivers were removed from the image to prevent console bugs when
kexecing and smart proxy log buffer plugin is now enabled by default.
Noticeable patches:

Known issues:

Auto provisioning does not set Content Source and View/Media correctly when
Katello plugin is installed. We are tracking this as

Media, OS and Architecture is not set correctly for interactive provisioning.
Tracked as Bug #16750: *_selected methods expect params[:host] to exist - Discovery - Foreman

These bugfixes will be backported into the 7.0 series when it's ready.

Documentation was updated to reflect all the changes, head over to:

To update your FDI download from:

Have a productive weekend!

ยทยทยท -- Later, Lukas #lzap Zapletal