Foreman does not store all associated ansible rules


I have two hostgroups in foreman, each of these groups are assigned ansible rules. In the parent group there are 5 rules. These are correctly passed on to the child group. The child group then has 6 more rules.

5 - Parents group (workstations)
6 - Children group (workstations\dev)

But if I try to add more rules to the children group, they are not saved. It is also not possible to add them to the host.

More than 11 rules are simply not saved.

Expected outcome:

It should be possible to add any number of ansible rules at all levels.

Foreman and Proxy versions:


Foreman and Proxy plugin versions:

foreman-tasks 0.16.1
foreman_ansible 3.0.5
foreman_remote_execution 1.8.2
katello 3.13.0.rc2.1