Foreman for bare metal provisioning only

Are there any documents out there to just set up foreman to manage bare
metal provisioning?
We already have a nice suite of micro services to perform many of the other
tasks very well, but would love to integrate foreman's ability to
provision/image the bare metal machines.

> Are there any documents out there to just set up foreman to manage bare
> metal provisioning?


Foreman excels in this area. Basically all you find in our main
documentation applies to the bare metal provisioning. Our installer can
set things up for bare metal provisioning.

More than that, our Discovery plugin helps you to find
not-yet-provisioned hardware. It is installed by default, you only need
to set it up properly (download the image, set the template):

Go and start with The Foreman and ask when you are stuck. But our
installer is very powerful, you should have no problems with it.

ยทยทยท -- Later, Lukas #lzap Zapletal