Foreman-installer --scenario katello does not install puppet-server

Following the guide: Installing Foreman nightly server with Katello nightly plugin on Enterprise Linux
foreman-installer called with

foreman-installer -i --scenario katello \
--foreman-initial-organization "MyOrg" \
--foreman-initial-location "MyLoc" \
--foreman-proxy-dhcp-managed=false \
--foreman-proxy-dns-managed=false \

does not install puppet-server
even the use of

--enable-foreman-cli-puppet \
--enable-foreman-plugin-puppet \
--enable-foreman-plugin-puppetdb \

makes no difference.

Expected outcome:
puppet-server is installed

The Question is, is that intended. Is puppet replaced in katello scenario by something else? If not how to install puppet-server in katello scenario?

Did you add the puppet repo? add -l INFO to your setup and see if you are maybe seeing any errors.

I sorted it out…some off it at least.

I stumbled upon an old proposal to make puppet optional
For katello scenario puppet is turned off
There I found some command line parameters that are not mentioned in foreman-installer -scenario katello --help at all.

--puppet-server true --foreman-proxy-puppet true --puppet-server-ca true --foreman-proxy-puppetca true

After adding these puppetserver is installed and I can see the “Puppet YAML”-Button on the host screen of the forman web ui.
The only thing left is that even with activating the puppeddb plugin the “PuppedDB”-Button that should also be on the host screen is missing. And I have no clue whatsoever how to add it succesfully.
On the other hand, while I do know that I will need puppet, I am not sure if I need puppetdb at all. Thats mostly because I am new to foreman, katello and puppet…man what a combination…

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Thanks for bringing this up & posting the solution. I’ve created an issue for foreman-documentation.

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even with the parameters that you recomended, it stills not working.
Server is an CentOS7. And it´s an totally new installation.
Install command: foreman-installer --scenario katello --puppet-server true --foreman-proxy-puppet true --puppet-server-ca true --foreman-proxy-puppetca true

2022-03-22 14:26:56 [ERROR ] [configure] Could not set groups on user[foreman-proxy]: Execution of ‘/sbin/usermod -G puppet foreman-proxy’ returned 6: usermod: group ‘puppet’ does not exist
2022-03-22 14:26:56 [ERROR ] [configure] /Stage[main]/Foreman_proxy::Config/User[foreman-proxy]/groups: change from to ‘puppet’ failed: Could not set groups on user[foreman-proxy]: Execution of ‘/sbin/usermod -G puppet foreman-proxy’ returned 6: usermod: group ‘puppet’ does not exist

Starting with Katello 4.3/Foreman 3.1, Puppet is not enabled and configured by default. This is instead now a choice the user must make if they wish those features, and for those that do not use Puppet they avoid having unnecessary infrastructure present.

The guide for configuring Puppet is here:

3.1/4.3: Configuring Hosts Using Puppet
