Foreman-plugins-3.1-rpm-test-pipeline 5 failed

Foreman 3.1 Plugins RPM Test pipeline failed:

foreman-pipeline-plugins-3.1-centos7-upgrade (failed) (remote job)
foreman-pipeline-plugins-3.1-centos8-stream-install (passed) (remote job)
foreman-pipeline-plugins-3.1-centos7-install (passed) (remote job)
foreman-pipeline-plugins-3.1-centos8-upgrade (passed) (remote job)
foreman-pipeline-plugins-3.1-centos8-install (passed) (remote job)

Looks like a networking error while installing the Ansible collection:

[2021-12-09T19:01:20.959Z] e[0;31me[0;31mERROR! Unexpected Exception, this is probably a bug: ('The read operation timed out',)e[0me[0m

Yepp, blame the network! :slight_smile:

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