Foreman upgrade issue from 2.5.4 to 3.0.1

$ tail /var/log/foreman/production.log
2021-12-16T16:09:15 [I|app|] Rails cache backend: File
2021-12-16T16:09:17 [W|app|] Could not create role 'Discovery Manager': ERF73-0602 [Foreman::PermissionMissingException]: some permissions were not found: ["view_environments", "view_puppetclasses", :view_environments, :view_puppetclasses]
2021-12-16T16:09:17 [E|app|] Cannot continue because some permissions were not found, please run rake db:seed and retry
2021-12-16T16:09:17 [W|app|] Could not create role 'Discovery Manager': ERF73-0602 [Foreman::PermissionMissingException]: some permissions were not found: ["view_environments", "view_puppetclasses", :view_environments, :view_puppetclasses]
2021-12-16T16:09:17 [E|app|] Cannot continue because some permissions were not found, please run rake db:seed and retry
2021-12-16T16:09:19 [I|app|] Rails cache backend: File
2021-12-16T16:09:21 [W|app|] Could not create role 'Discovery Manager': ERF73-0602 [Foreman::PermissionMissingException]: some permissions were not found: ["view_environments", "view_puppetclasses", :view_environments, :view_puppetclasses]
2021-12-16T16:09:21 [E|app|] Cannot continue because some permissions were not found, please run rake db:seed and retry
2021-12-16T16:09:22 [I|app|] Rails cache backend: File
2021-12-16T16:09:22 [I|app|] Rails cache backend: File
$ foreman-rake db:seed --trace
** Invoke db:seed (first_time)
** Invoke db:load_config (first_time)
** Invoke environment (first_time)
** Execute environment
** Execute db:load_config
** Execute db:seed
** Invoke db:abort_if_pending_migrations (first_time)
** Invoke db:load_config 
** Execute db:abort_if_pending_migrations
** Invoke dynflow:abort_if_pending_migrations (first_time)
** Invoke environment 
** Execute dynflow:abort_if_pending_migration
foreman-rake db:migrate 
```no errors

$ foreman-maintain health check --label duplicate_permission
No scenario matching label [duplicate-permission]

cc @lzap since I see these come from Discovery plugin
cc @ezr-ondrej since I see Puppet related permissions


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Commented out /usr/share/foreman/app/models/role.rb:335

  def permission_records(permissions)
    perms = permissions.flatten
    collection = Permission.where(:name => perms).all
    #if collection.size != perms.size
    #  raise"some permissions were not found: %s"),
    #    not_found_permissions(collection.pluck(:name), perms))

after ran foreman-installer and it was successful
and then upgraded to version 3.1.0 without errors


It is fixed by, and version of discovery 18.0.4.
What should be in latest 3.0 version (3.0.1)

Still appled to the most current update for me 3.9/4.11.