Foreman Users are they exposed as variables?

One thing I like about foreman is it tags the owner of the system when its
built. Is there a way I can use that in puppet modules, so I could use it
to generate a Nagios contact, and put a Motd on the box saying before you
play with this system contact who ever ?

Owner_name and Owner_email should be present in the YAML sent to Puppet -
check the YAML button on the Host page.

ยทยทยท On 6 December 2013 13:25, Richie Rees wrote:

One thing I like about foreman is it tags the owner of the system when its
built. Is there a way I can use that in puppet modules, so I could use it
to generate a Nagios contact, and put a Motd on the box saying before you
play with this system contact who ever ?