Forwarding puppet report and facts

Puppet being removed from Satellite 7.0:

Expected outcome: Still being able to forward reports and facts from a standalone puppet server on Foreman.

Trying to plan for Puppet removal from Red Hat Satellite server 7.0. It states that Satellite 7.0 will not be able to be used as the Puppet ENC either but can still recieve Puppet reports and facts. We plan on setting up Foreman to be our standalone Puppet Master / ENC.

I’m not sure what the steps are for just forwarding reports and facts to the Satellite server nor the benefits if any for doing this. I’d love to slowly transistion into just using Ansible but Puppet seems to be more conguration management and Ansible more task oriented. I also like how Puppet has Smart Parameters which maskes it easy to sort through the different variables. Will Ansible have a similar setup to Smart Parameters in future releases?

Thank you,