Heads-up: Foreman 1.15 and Discovery


although I released Discovery 9.0 plugin for Foreman 1.15
compatibility, we are suffering from several blocker bugs around
Provision Host (Edit Host) form, auto-provisionig, DHCP orchestration
in Foreman and DHCP smart-proxy module. We are planning 9.1 release in
the upcoming week or two. If discovery is important to you, do not
upgrade to Foreman 1.15 until then. Sorry for inconvenience.

While we will be improving integration tests around Edit Host form and
auto-provisioning, some bugs can be only revealed via end-to-end
testing which we do not perform automatically. I would like to
encourage you to test our Foreman RC releases with all plugins you
care about and report issues sooner, that's why we are doing these
releases anyway.

Important issues found:


··· -- Later, Lukas @lzap Zapletal