Hostgroup failed to fetch Ansible Roles from server

Hello Maria,

the only file I can find on my system is:


If I change the file to the content…

<div class="tab-pane" id="activation_keys">
  <%= react_component('ActivationKeysSearch')%>

…the result is crazy! Now I can see the ansible roles within the hostgroup but the ak tap is completely empty.

Whats going wrong?

Regards, Tom

For this to work you will also need the JS files from the PR.
The ansible roles are shown since the code in app/views/overrides/activation_keys/_host_tab_pane.html.erb breaks them, so if most of it is deleted, the code that breaks is no longer there.

Hello Maria,

When will the fix be made available as an official update?


I’m not sure, @jeremylenz will know how to better answer that

This hasn’t been triaged yet, but I expect it to arrive in Katello 4.13. And it should be in nightly sometime this week, if you’re adventurous :slight_smile:

Check the Redmine’s “Target Version” for updates

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You’re not serious! Postponing basic functionality that doesn’t work for so long is a real problem for the end-user!

To be fair, this was just merged on Monday :wink:

The Redmine issue Refactor #37370: refactor ak in hostgroups to react - Katello - Foreman has now been triaged and (in addition to Katello 4.13) will be in 4.12.1 also, when that’s released.