Installing foreman behind a proxy on OL7

**Problem: En suivant le tutoriel d’installation de foreman, à la 4ème commande, " sudo yum -y install foreman-release-scl" tous les miroirs sont bloqués par le proxy : [Errno 14] HTTP Error 407 - Proxy Authentication Required
Essai d’un autre miroir. [Errno 14] HTTP Error 407 - Proxy Authentication Required
Essai d’un autre miroir.”
Et après avoir testé tous les mirroirs, la commande tombe en erreur…“ [Errno 14] HTTP Error 407 - Proxy Authentication Required”
le fichier yum.conf est pourtant bien configuré…

**Expected outcome:success installation

**Foreman and Proxy versions:Foreman Version ?.. Proxy…squid

**Foreman and Proxy plugin versions:none

**Distribution and version:Oracle Linux 7

Other relevant data:

Bonjour Fred,
Unfortunately, most folks on the forum do not speak French. Could you please repeat your question in English? That may get more responses.

Ok…i try…

** Problem: By following the foreman installation tutorial, on the 4th command, “sudo yum -y install foreman-release-scl” all the mirrors are blocked by the proxy:
Http:// [Errno 14] HTTP Error 407 - Proxy Authentication Required
Try another mirror. [Errno 14] HTTP Error 407 - Proxy Authentication Required
Try another mirror. ”
And after having tested all the mirrors, the command falls into error… “ [Errno 14] HTTP Error 407 - Proxy Authentication Required”
the yum.conf file is however well configured…

** Expected outcome: success installation

** Foreman and Proxy versions: Foreman Version? … Proxy… squid

** Foreman and Proxy plugin versions: none

** Distribution and version: Oracle Linux 7

Looks like the problem is with your network proxy blocking the repositories, you’ll need to check with your network admin what needs to be done to allow access to external yum repos.

HTTP Error 407 - Proxy Authentication Required
this means the yum command does not have authentification information configurated ?
But, the yum.conf file is well configurated on this topic… (http://login:pwd@proxy inserted in the yum.conf file)…