Katello 3.10 upgrade to puppet 5

I am on Katello 3.10 on CentOS 7 and I am looking to upgrade puppet on this machine from the puppet 4.10.12 to 5 (latest).

I have looked at Upgrading from Puppet 4 to 5 - Foreman.

Reading that it looks like I need to do the following:

  1. Update the puppet repos
  2. yum upgrade
  3. replace web-routes.conf with puppet 5 install version
  4. yum reinstall puppet-agent-oauth
  5. foreman-installer --reset-puppet-server-jvm-extra-args --reset-puppet-server-puppetserver-version --reset-puppet-server-puppetserver-metrics --reset-puppet-server-puppetserver-experimental

My question is after all that should I then run: foreman-installer --scenario katello --upgrade (even though I am not upgrading). Or should I include the --scenario katello --upgrade to the foreman-installer reset-puppet line? Or not do the --scenario katello --upgrade at all?
