Correct. I have published new versions of the two centos7 CVs three times since the content migration and each time it’s missing the errata. As a test, I have just published a new version of the centos8-epel8 CV and this one still shows the errata count…
As I also see extremely longer publishing times since the migration I have checked the tasks and noticed that those three CVs with the missing errata require much longer:
centos7: 2m to 16m
centos7-epel7: 4m to 25m
centos8: 2m to 10m
However, the centos8-epel7 is much faster and remains at about 2-3 minutes.
So maybe, this issue and the slow publishing times (topic Pulp3 content view publish much slower) are related?
I have just created another test CV using the identical repositories and filters like my centos7 CV. Took 17 minutes to publish and has the same problem. Counts don’t show errata:
43698 Packages
129 Source RPMs
just like the ‘centos7’ CV.
I guess that’s necessary.