After double-checking in Foreman’s code, I think this should be fine.
Upgrade tasks are executed during rake upgrade:run
: foreman/lib/tasks/upgrade.rake at ba1abfc447fd22447c79d7351d39507cba4b8b83 · theforeman/foreman · GitHub
The only upgrade tasks that execute are those “needing run”:
and then when the task completes successfully, it marks them as ran:
task.mark_as_ran! if run_task(task)
What this means is that a given upgrade rake task should only run once, regardless of version namespacing-- unless you clear out your database or something, or the task is marked as :always_run
(which this one isn’t.) So, for upgrades, we should be all good.
However, I tested in the console on a new install:
irb(main):003:0> UpgradeTask.find_by(name: "katello:upgrades:4.9:update_custom_products_enablement").last_run_time
=> nil
This may mean there’s an issue in the following scenario:
- I perform a new install of Katello 4.9.0. The upgrade tasks never run, since it’s a new install. Default product enablement is disabled.
- I then upgrade to 4.9.1 or 4.10. The upgrade task’s
, so it will be included inUpgradeTask.needing_run
and create enabled overrides for all my custom repositories.
I’ve created Bug #36540: Upgrade rake task will create bad content overrides on post-4.9 Katello upgrades - Katello - Foreman
thanks for helping me think this out!