Katello 4.9 Custom products changes with SCA

I manage to enable custom repo on my AK with by removing the subscription part of my playbook then switch the content_overrides part to enabling wanted repos instead of disabling unwanted one.

Now when i register new host, custom repos are well enabled by AK

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So the whole point of SCA is that you no longer need to provide subscriptions on activation keys.

However, if you change the activation key, you’ll need to force re-register all systems that use it :slight_smile:

That’s what I do in my Ansible playbooks (or, depending on the host, I just reinstall the whole OS, sometimes that’s less work :innocent:)

Activation keys have always only affected hosts at registration time. I don’t see how subscriptions make a difference there?

They shouldn’t as far as I know, if you’re using SCA. I also forgot to mention you can also ‘just’ enable the repo with subscription-manager repos --enable=<your repo label here>