Katello-nightly-rpm-pipeline 1217 failed

Katello nightly pipeline failed:


foreman-pipeline-katello-nightly-centos7-install (passed) (remote job)
foreman-pipeline-katello-nightly-centos7-upgrade (failed) (remote job)
foreman-pipeline-katello-nightly-centos8-stream-upgrade (failed) (remote job)
foreman-pipeline-katello-nightly-centos8-stream-install (passed) (remote job)

the EL7 upgrade failed on a new thing during db:migrate:

NameError: uninitialized constant Katello::CdnConfiguration::AIRGAPPED
6_add_type_to_cdn_configuration.rb:10:in `block in change'

Which seems to be fixed in Refs #33951 - correct AIRGAPPED constant reference · Katello/katello@b09ddee · GitHub

and it was, nice!

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