Kickstart New Provisioned Host with additional NIC and IP

Hello Foreman Experts,

How can I add an extra nic and ip address durig the kickstart process? The problem i am running into is that my PXE Foreman is configured the DHCP server at 192.168.100.X subnet so it will PXE kickstart a server will an ip under that subnet which is not routable to outside I want to add a additional routable IP to that new provision IP during kickstart. Is there any where in Foreman UI i can specify this? Or I will have to modify the kickstart templates?


The default kickstart templates should already handle this case out of the box. When creating the host in the Foreman UI, on the Interfaces tab, you can simply add an additional interface to the host and enter it’s properties there. This of course requires that you have set up the required infrastructure information (the additional subnet, maybe another DNS domain, etc) beforehand, but otherwise it should just work.

Thanks @areyus . I actually got it working after couple of trying by doing what you have said!

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