Last MySQL supported version banner

Hey, as part of the Feature #27035: Drop support for MySQL for both development and production environments - Foreman I want to implement the warning banner for Foreman 1.23. However I was thinking how useful is a warning banner in the UI, because end users are usually not that interested in underlying database. The target audience are operators who perform maintenance and upgrades of Foreman.

So I wonder if it makes sense to implement the warning banner in our installer - at the end of the puppet run kafo would print big warning banner just like rubygems which is an approach I quite like.

What you think?

It sounds like pretty good solution to me, we can even show that only to MySQL users :slight_smile:

Only problem is not all users use the installer so they won’t see it. Showing it to administrators only in the UI makes sense IMHO.

Yeah, I was thinking the same.

Frankly, I was hoping that the banner React component would be in core, however the PR is not there yet. Given the time constraints I will probably try to do the warning using our login page caption text.

I wonder if we should postpone dropping it by one release and make 1.24 the last version to support it. that will give users a bit longer time to plan their migration and us to test it and alert about it properly.

I am not against, however I’d still need to implement the banner into 1.23 :slight_smile: We don’t want to wait with this, there are many users skipping lot of releases when upgrading.

Alternatively, since the “browser support” PR ( is not a generic component yet, I can probably generate the warning banner using Rails/ERB. Disadvantage is that we want new components to be in React rather than plain ERB I guess. That’s why warning text on a login page (which is already in React) is more appealing to me.

I think we’re a bit late for 1.23, we are branching today.

Why exactly we are late for merging one sentence and a single CSS class? I mean, the root of this is not a rocket science and all I want is to warn admins.

Because we need a way to alert admins but not be too obtrusive, ie. allowing them to dismiss it. Perhaps using the notifications drawer would be good? We’ve done that in the past for deprecated settings -

IMHO the banner for MySQL is the wrong implementation. That’s needed for browser support because you can’t know it statically from the server side. With the database you do know and you can use the same notifications we used for orgs/locs. Exactly as @tbrisker wrote while I was typing this message.

Hmm I like that. Let me take a look, it looks easy to implement.

It was pretty straightforward: