New host detail page feedback (Foreman 3.0+)

Indeed, I’m looking forward to the release :smiley:

Exactly, the source are both host parameters (manually maintained) and custom facts. To give an idea, here’s the list of :content: rows of the foreman_column_view configuration:

    :content: facts_hash['uptime']
    :content: params['location']
    :content: params['room']
    :content: params['rack']
    :content: params['bay']
    :content: params['comment']
    :content: params['commissioning_date']
    :content: facts_hash['rtcwake_alarm']
    :content: facts_hash['rtcwake_alarm_time_human']
    :content: facts_hash['rtcwake_wish_time_human']
    :content: facts_hash['dmi::product::serial_number']
    :content: link_to(_("Console"), "https://#{}", { :class => "btn btn-info" } )
    :eval_content: true
    :content: facts_hash['reboot_required']
    :content: facts_hash['reboot_required_pkgs']
    :content: facts_hash['reboot_required_since']

Since “custom” is by design “custom”, what I’d love would be the possibility to add custom cards with custom rows, with simple “label” => “value” pairs, similar as to what foreman_column_view was doing, but with the possibility to add cards to group this information.

For example, I’d then create a location card, which contains the location, room, rack and bay host parameters we maintain manually, maybe extended with network facts like to which switch-port a machine is attached (via custom facts).

I’d similarly create a card with reboot information and rtcwake information, for example. To give an idea, the rtcwake data is populated by calling rtcwake -m show, and we manage RTC wakeup times with Puppet to conserve energy for machines and wake them up at specific times (with a very large variety of desktops, this works more reliably than Wake on LAN).