Nominating Alex Fisher for Foreman installer commit access

I’d like to nominate @afisher for commit access to the Foreman installer modules. He has a long history of good commits on puppet-foreman, puppet-pulp and puppet-puppet. He is also actively involved in the Puppet community as part of the Voxpupuli’s Project Management Committee. I’ve also had many good conversations and always highly value his opinion.

Feel free to add a +1 if you support the nomination. If you have any concerns please comment bellow or contact me in private.

If no concerns are raised in one week from today, I will add him to the installer team.


I don’t personally know Alex but he’s been active in theforeman and I definitely noticed the quality of his PRs and reviews any time I checked out what’s happening over in Voxpupuli. It’s an easy +1 from me.

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big +1 from me

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It’s been 2 weeks and I haven’t heard any objections but do see a large number in favor. I have invited @afisher to the installer team. Congrats @afisher and thanks everyone who gave feedback.

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