Not receiving Remote execution job notification mails

Problem: Not receiving Remote execution job notification mails

Expected outcome: Notification mail should received on user’s mail id.

Foreman and Proxy versions: Foreman/Foreman-proxy 3.1.2

Foreman and Proxy plugin versions: Foreman 3.1.2,Foreman-tasks 5.2.0,Foreman_Ansible 7.0.2,Foreman_remote_execution 5.0.1,katello 4.3.0

Distribution and version: CentOS 7.9

Other relevant data:

i am able to receive all notifications mails except remote execution job . If i perform any remote execution job then notification mails received with only default foreman admin server mail id not to rest users.

i don’t know is it bug or is there any configuration missing from my end ?

this might or might not be expected, depending on how you have things set up.

IIRC in REX, you can set mail preferences per user, however those preferences will only apply when the user actually triggered the job. So if you have the admin user and user U and both have their preferences set to receive all the REX emails, then each of them will receive only emails about the jobs they personally triggered (admin will receive admin’s, U will receive U’s)

yes got it now it will send notification to only said mail id from which user you perform remote execution job but can we set any kind of mail policy or any script if i run remote execution job through specific user from foreman dashboard it should send notification to all my user’s mail id.

but can we set any kind of mail policy or any script if i run remote execution job through specific user from foreman dashboard it should send notification to all my user’s mail id.

I don’t think so. Or at least I’m not aware how it could be done right now

i got the solution , i have created new email DL where my all users mail id added n said DL.
so in this way all users under same DL mail id can receive remote execution job notification mails.

Thanks for your support :slight_smile: