Oracle Linux (OVM ) patch management by Katello & Foremen

I am looking for oracle linux (OVM) patch management using katello.

I Just want to know this can be achieved using this katello or any known issue to be taken care of. Kindly give me suggestion on this.

Hi @myvelmurugan,

I don’t think its considered a ‘happy path’, but sounds like others have made it work based on the cross-referenced thread and Bug #11712: Katello agent can not be installed on Oracle Linux 7.x - Katello - Foreman

As far as I know, we don’t have any official docs on it or anything set up to test it in development.

Hi @myvelmurugan!
TL;DR yes you can, but… :wink:

Content Management
You can easily synchronize oracle’s public yum content using Katello.

If you want to use oracle’s ULN repos you cannot sync the content directly using upstream Katello.

If you need this you should think about using orcharhino, which is a downstream product of Foreman/Katello and adds some additional features for managing oracle Linux.

Subscription Manager
OracleLinux does not ship subscription-manager and all other required tools that are needed to attach Linux hosts to Katello.

Therefore you need to play around to get this running for upstream Katello as @John_Mitsch mentioned before.

Or if you are using orcharhino you get access to an OracleLinux client repo that can be used to easily attach OracleLinux 7 and 8.