today it’s already running more than 11 hours. I don’t know why it takes so long. Last week it was 4 hours as the week before. I have only updated the kernel and some other system packages during the week…
I am wondering if using a “SELECT DISTINCT” in the subquery might improve the performance. katello_repository_rpms has 3897698 rows, but only 400642 distinct rpm_ids.
Otherwise, adding an index on "katello_repository_rpms"."rpm_id" should help.
I am dealing with an issue where i created a new product but when I tried deleting it the GUI shows as deleted, but after it refreshes it still shows the product in the GUi. I check the CLI and the product appears gone, but the GUI it remain there…I am using the following:
Foreman 3.11
Katello 4.13
I am not sure why this started happening, I am running the same OS and code released in the smart proxy as well. Please advise.