Product disappeared from subscriptions

I recently upgraded by Forman/Katello installation to 3.4/4.6 running on Oracle Linux 8.

After syncing my repositories and publishing new non-composite content views, but not new composite views, a product disappeared from the client’s subscriptions.

The details:

I have a product named “CentOS”. The product has 7 repositories:

# hammer product info --organization=Curia --name CentOS
Id:                21
Name:              CentOS
Label:             centos
Sync State (all):  Syncing Complete.
Sync State (last): Syncing Complete.
Sync Plan ID:      
    GPG Key ID: 
    GPG Key:
Organization:      Curia
 1) Repo Name:    centos6_contrib
    Url:          /custom/centos/6_contrib
    Content Type: yum
 2) Repo Name:    centos7
    Url:          /custom/centos/7
    Content Type: yum
 3) Repo Name:    centos7_extras
    Url:          /custom/centos/7_extras
    Content Type: yum
 4) Repo Name:    centos7_plus
    Url:          /custom/centos/7_plus
    Content Type: yum
 5) Repo Name:    centos7_updates
    Url:          /custom/centos/7_updates
    Content Type: yum
 6) Repo Name:    centos8_baseos
    Url:          /custom/centos/8_baseos
    Content Type: yum
 7) Repo Name:    centos9_baseos
    Url:          /custom/centos/9_baseos
    Content Type: yum

I have a non-composite content view named “z_centos7” which contains four of those repositories, published to Library:

hammer content-view info --organization Curia --name "z_centos7"
Id:                           79
Name:                         z_centos7
Label:                        centos7
Composite:                    false
Content Host Count:           0
Solve Dependencies:           false
Organization:                 Curia
Yum Repositories:             
 1) Id:    931
    Name:  centos7
    Label: 7
 2) Id:    932
    Name:  centos7_extras
    Label: 7_extras
 3) Id:    933
    Name:  centos7_plus
    Label: 7_plus
 4) Id:    934
    Name:  centos7_updates
    Label: 7_updates
Container Image Repositories: 

OSTree Repositories:          

Lifecycle Environments:       
 1) Id:   7
    Name: Library

I have a composite content view named “CentOS 7” which contains the “z_centos7” and others:

# hammer content-view info --organization Curia --name "CentOS 7"
Id:                           127
Name:                         CentOS 7
Label:                        centos_7
Composite:                    true
Content Host Count:           81
Solve Dependencies:           false
Organization:                 Curia
Yum Repositories:             
 1) Id:    4605
    Name:  docker_ce_el7
    Label: el7
 2) Id:    4621
    Name:  elrepo_el7
    Label: el7
 3) Id:    4622
    Name:  elrepo_el7_extras
    Label: el7_extras
 4) Id:    4630
    Name:  epel_el7
    Label: el7
 5) Id:    4640
    Name:  foreman_el7_plugins
    Label: el7_plugins
 6) Id:    4639
    Name:  foreman_el7_client
    Label: el7_client
 7) Id:    4647
    Name:  megaraid_megacli
    Label: megacli
 8) Id:    4662
    Name:  oracle_java_jre
    Label: jre
 9) Id:    4679
    Name:  puppet_el7
    Label: el7
 10)Id:    4688
    Name:  r1soft_stable
    Label: stable
 11)Id:    4702
    Name:  supermicro_ipmicfg
    Label: ipmicfg
 12)Id:    4728
    Name:  zabbix_el7
    Label: el7
 13)Id:    3435
    Name:  mogodb_el7
    Label: el7
 14)Id:    4611
    Name:  duo_el7
    Label: el7
 15)Id:    4671
    Name:  powershell_el7
    Label: el7
 16)Id:    4908
    Name:  centos7_plus
    Label: 7_plus
 17)Id:    4907
    Name:  centos7_extras
    Label: 7_extras
 18)Id:    4909
    Name:  centos7_updates
    Label: 7_updates
 19)Id:    4906
    Name:  centos7
    Label: 7

I have a host,, whose content view is CentOS 7. The web gui lists is as subscribed to the product “CentOS” but hammer does not. Additionally, while “hammer host subscription product-content” shows that the repositories are available to the client, and the “hammer host subscription attach” command succeeds, it does not change the subscriptions.

# hammer host subscription enabled-repositories --host
4813 | powershell_el7     | el7        | yum          | 127             | CentOS 7          | CentOS 7 20.0        | Test             | PowerShell  
1461 | oracle_java_jre    | jre        | yum          | 127             | CentOS 7          | CentOS 7 20.0        | Test             | Oracle Java 
1454 | supermicro_ipmicfg | ipmicfg    | yum          | 127             | CentOS 7          | CentOS 7 20.0        | Test             | Supermicro  
1458 | elrepo_el7         | el7        | yum          | 127             | CentOS 7          | CentOS 7 20.0        | Test             | ELRepo      
1453 | megaraid_megacli   | megacli    | yum          | 127             | CentOS 7          | CentOS 7 20.0        | Test             | MegaRAID    
1450 | docker_ce_el7      | el7        | yum          | 127             | CentOS 7          | CentOS 7 20.0        | Test             | Docker CE   
1459 | elrepo_el7_extras  | el7_extras | yum          | 127             | CentOS 7          | CentOS 7 20.0        | Test             | ELRepo      
1452 | puppet_el7         | el7        | yum          | 127             | CentOS 7          | CentOS 7 20.0        | Test             | Puppet      
1449 | r1soft_stable      | stable     | yum          | 127             | CentOS 7          | CentOS 7 20.0        | Test             | r1Soft      
1463 | epel_el7           | el7        | yum          | 127             | CentOS 7          | CentOS 7 20.0        | Test             | EPEL        
1451 | foreman_el7_client | el7_client | yum          | 127             | CentOS 7          | CentOS 7 20.0        | Test             | Foreman     
1460 | zabbix_el7         | el7        | yum          | 127             | CentOS 7          | CentOS 7 20.0        | Test             | Zabbix      
# hammer host subscription product-content --host
ID  | NAME              | LABEL                   | DEFAULT ENABLED? | OVERRIDE
82  | centos6_contrib   | curia_centos_6_contrib  | yes              |         
83  | centos7           | curia_centos_7          | yes              |         
84  | centos7_extras    | curia_centos_7_extras   | yes              |         
85  | centos7_plus      | curia_centos_7_plus     | yes              |         
86  | centos7_updates   | curia_centos_7_updates  | yes              |         
87  | centos8_baseos    | curia_centos_8_baseos   | yes              |         
200 | centos9_baseos    | curia_centos_9_baseos   | yes              |         
88  | docker_ce_el7     | curia_docker_ce_el7     | yes              |         
89  | docker_ce_el8     | curia_docker_ce_el8     | yes              |         
201 | docker_ce_el9     | curia_docker_ce_el9     | yes              |         
90  | elrepo_el7        | curia_elrepo_el7        | yes              |         
91  | elrepo_el7_extras | curia_elrepo_el7_extras | yes              |         
92  | elrepo_el8        | curia_elrepo_el8        | yes              |         
93  | elrepo_el8_extras | curia_elrepo_el8_extras | yes              |         
196 | elrepo_el9        | curia_elrepo_el9        | yes              |         
202 | elrepo_el9_extras | curia_elrepo_el9_extras | yes              |         
96  | epel_el6          | curia_epel_el6          | yes              |         
97  | epel_el7          | curia_epel_el7          | yes              |         
98  | epel_el8          | curia_epel_el8          | yes              |         
194 | epel_el9          | curia_epel_el9          | yes              |         
Page 1 of 3 (use --page and --per-page for navigation).
# hammer subscription list --organization Curia | grep CentOS
21 | 8a8a82247a6786c8017ab06481b3038f | CentOS               | Physical |          |         |         | 2021/07/16 17:36:54 | 2049/12/01 00:00:00 | Unlimited | 325
# hammer host subscription attach --host --subscription-id 21
Subscription attached to the host successfully.
# hammer host subscription enabled-repositories --host
4813 | powershell_el7     | el7        | yum          | 127             | CentOS 7          | CentOS 7 20.0        | Test             | PowerShell  
1461 | oracle_java_jre    | jre        | yum          | 127             | CentOS 7          | CentOS 7 20.0        | Test             | Oracle Java 
1454 | supermicro_ipmicfg | ipmicfg    | yum          | 127             | CentOS 7          | CentOS 7 20.0        | Test             | Supermicro  
1458 | elrepo_el7         | el7        | yum          | 127             | CentOS 7          | CentOS 7 20.0        | Test             | ELRepo      
1453 | megaraid_megacli   | megacli    | yum          | 127             | CentOS 7          | CentOS 7 20.0        | Test             | MegaRAID    
1450 | docker_ce_el7      | el7        | yum          | 127             | CentOS 7          | CentOS 7 20.0        | Test             | Docker CE   
1459 | elrepo_el7_extras  | el7_extras | yum          | 127             | CentOS 7          | CentOS 7 20.0        | Test             | ELRepo      
1452 | puppet_el7         | el7        | yum          | 127             | CentOS 7          | CentOS 7 20.0        | Test             | Puppet      
1449 | r1soft_stable      | stable     | yum          | 127             | CentOS 7          | CentOS 7 20.0        | Test             | r1Soft      
1463 | epel_el7           | el7        | yum          | 127             | CentOS 7          | CentOS 7 20.0        | Test             | EPEL        
1451 | foreman_el7_client | el7_client | yum          | 127             | CentOS 7          | CentOS 7 20.0        | Test             | Foreman     
1460 | zabbix_el7         | el7        | yum          | 127             | CentOS 7          | CentOS 7 20.0        | Test             | Zabbix      

I have done complete syncs of all of the CentOS repositories, republished, and even created a new non-composite content view with the same repositories, and a new composite view with only that view. None of this has allowed the clients to subscribe.

I’m out of ideas.

I should add a bit more information:

The upgrade was from 3.3/4.5 to 3.4/4.6.

Before the upgrade, the clients listed the centos7 repositories in the output of subscription-manage repos

After the upgrade, after running subscription-manager refresh, the centos7 repositories were still listed in the output of subscription-manager repos.

After syncing the repositories, after running subscription-manager refresh, the centos7 repositories were still listed in the output of subscription-manager repos.

After publishing a new version of the non-composite content view, and not touching the composite view at all, the repositories were no longer listed in the output of subscription-manager repos.

Not sure, but it sounds like you are hitting the bug

Can you verify this and add to the bug if you have some additional findings?


Running the following found nine affected repos, and corrected all but two of them:

# sudo -u postgres psql candlepin
could not change directory to "/root": Permission denied
psql (12.11)
Type "help" for help.

candlepin=# SELECT content.* from cp2_content content LEFT JOIN cp2_product_content pc on content.uuid = pc.content_uuid where pc.content_uuid IS NULL;
# foreman-rake console
Loading production environment (Rails
irb(main):001:0> roots = Katello::RootRepository.where(content_id: ['1626457734930', '1626457224897', '1626457524855', '1626459954900', '1626459504897', '1626457224897', '1626457524855', '
1626457584896', '1626457644865'])
irb(main):001:0> roots.each{|root| ForemanTasks.async_task(::Actions::Candlepin::Product::ContentAdd, owner: root.product.organization.label, product_id: root.product.cp_id, content_id: ro
ot.content_id) }

I’m left with two that are still missing:

# foreman-rake console
Loading production environment (Rails
irb(main):001:0> roots = Katello::RootRepository.where(content_id: ['1626457224897', '1626457524855'])
=> #<ActiveRecord::Relation [#<Katello::RootRepository id: 83, name: "centos7", created_at: "2021-07-16 17:39:54.387955000 +0000", updated_at: "2022-10-19 14:14:19.001662000 +0000", m...
irb(main):002:0> roots.each{|root| ForemanTasks.async_task(::Actions::Candlepin::Product::ContentAdd, owner: root.product.organization.label, product_id: root.product.cp_id, content_id: ro
ot.content_id) }
=> [#<Katello::RootRepository id: 83, name: "centos7", created_at: "2021-07-16 17:39:54.387955000 +0000", updated_at: "2022-10-19 14:14:19.001662000 +0000", major: nil, minor: nil, gpg_key_id: nil, content_id: "1626457224897", arch: "noarch", label: "7", url: "", unprotected: true, content_type: "yum", product_id: 21, checksum_type: nil, pulp_scratchpad_checksum_type: nil, docker_upstream_name: nil, download_policy: "immediate", verify_ssl_on_sync: true, upstream_username: nil, upstream_password: nil, deb_releases: nil, deb_components: nil, deb_architectures: nil, ssl_ca_cert_id: nil, ssl_client_cert_id: nil, ssl_client_key_id: nil, ignorable_content: ["srpm"], include_tags: nil, description: nil, ansible_collection_requirements: nil, http_proxy_policy: "global_default_http_proxy", http_proxy_id: nil, download_concurrency: 5, os_versions: [], ansible_collection_auth_url: nil, ansible_collection_auth_token: nil, retain_package_versions_count: nil, generic_remote_options: nil, upstream_authentication_token: nil, mirroring_policy: "mirror_content_only", exclude_tags: nil, docker_tags_whitelist: nil>, #<Katello::RootRepository id: 84, name: "centos7_extras", created_at: "2021-07-16 17:45:04.198314000 +0000", updated_at: "2022-10-19 14:36:08.119831000 +0000", major: nil, minor: nil, gpg_key_id: nil, content_id: "1626457524855", arch: "noarch", label: "7_extras", url: "", unprotected: true, content_type: "yum", product_id: 21, checksum_type: nil, pulp_scratchpad_checksum_type: nil, docker_upstream_name: nil, download_policy: "immediate", verify_ssl_on_sync: true, upstream_username: nil, upstream_password: nil, deb_releases: nil, deb_components: nil, deb_architectures: nil, ssl_ca_cert_id: nil, ssl_client_cert_id: nil, ssl_client_key_id: nil, ignorable_content: ["srpm"], include_tags: nil, description: nil, ansible_collection_requirements: nil, http_proxy_policy: "global_default_http_proxy", http_proxy_id: nil, download_concurrency: 5, os_versions: [], ansible_collection_auth_url: nil, ansible_collection_auth_token: nil, retain_package_versions_count: 3, generic_remote_options: nil, upstream_authentication_token: nil, mirroring_policy: "mirror_content_only", exclude_tags: nil, docker_tags_whitelist: nil>]
# sudo -u postgres psql candlepin
psql (12.11)
Type "help" for help.

candlepin=# SELECT content.* from cp2_content content LEFT JOIN cp2_product_content pc on content.uuid = pc.content_uuid where pc.content_uuid IS NULL;
               uuid               |  content_id   |          created           |          updated           |       contenturl        | gpgurl |         label         | metadataexpire |   
   name      | releasever | requiredtags | type | vendor | arches | entity_version | locked 
 8a8a822481f3bf2f0183a9b8d3f3380d | 1626457224897 | 2021-07-16 13:40:24.892-04 | 2022-10-05 15:56:45.939-04 | /custom/centos/7        |        | curia_centos_7        |              1 | centos7        |            |              | yum  | Custom |        |                |      0
 8a8a822481f3bf2f0183a9b90618381c | 1626457524855 | 2021-07-16 13:45:24.849-04 | 2022-10-05 15:56:58.776-04 | /custom/centos/7_extras |        | curia_centos_7_extras |              1 | centos7_extras |            |              | yum  | Custom |        |                |      0
(2 rows)

The link you provided suggests running a script to fix the entitlement certs when foreman-rake console fails. Do you happen to know where the certs are located by default?

The entitlement certificates are on the “clients” at /etc/pki/entitlement/.

You can look into it with rct cat-cert /etc/pki/entitlement/7394224347322562830.pem.

Thanks! When reading the instructions for the script, I was thinking they were on the server, too. Either way, the script found nothing, and I have two missing repos. Is there way to manually edit the database to fix?

Unfortunately I do not know. I initially found the bug and could not manually fix the database, but needed to work around because of time constraints.

Thanks for your help! I ended up recreating the product from scratch and adjusting the subscriptions. You helped me identify a few other smaller affected repositories that I had missed.

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