Product / Repo restriction and default status


I was wondering if the Restrict to OS version property in the repo settings can also be used for something different than RHEL as well.
Because I’m setting up the products for EL9 right now, and it’s basically a lot of duplicate products, and I think that shouldn’t be necessary if the restriction functionality also would work for other OSs like Rocky Linux.

And beside that, is there somewhere a property to set the default status for repos? Because if you look at the items in the Activation Key view or Host view the status looks to be either Enabled, Enabled (overridden) or Disabled (overridden), but I don’t see if I can set it somewhere to default Disabled.
Right now I’m handling this with the Activation Key to disable them at bootstrap time, but that doesn’t work for products added not at bootstrap time (which means adding product and then overriding the status manually).

Maybe I just overlooked these things somewhere, so would be great if someone could help me figuring out if this is even possible, or if I just overlooked the docs or properties in the UI or hammer command :slight_smile:

Cheers, Lukas!

It’s on backlog: Feature #31510: Configure default repository set for subscriptions - Katello - Foreman

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Awsome, at least it already came up in the past and got tracked :ok_hand:t2:

I can chime in here on the technical reason this only works for RHEL… Each repository has a list of “required tags” in its product content. When you set the OS restriction to, for example, RHEL 9, rhel-9 is added to the repository’s required tags. This is then compared with the “provided tags” supplied in the installed product certificate on the host in /etc/pki/product. Since CentOS and Rocky etc. do not have a product certificate which “provides” the rhel-9 tag, any repo restricted with “required tags” of rhel-9 will not be available on that host.

I agree it would add a lot of convenience if there were a way to add this to other OSes, but not sure how that could be designed. It would require some more thought…

Thank you for the technical sight how this works! :slight_smile:
So yeah it sounds like a nearly complete rewrite of this feature to make it support other OSes, which don’t have product certificates,
something like a custom list of filters (which can manually be extended or is automatically generated), and is based of something like the OS Family, to which the OS belongs and the major version (maybe even minor version if Ubuntu wants to be included)
I don’t know if this is something that could be looked as a feature for the backlog (or higher), but would be a nice to have!