Proposal - using an RFC system for design discussions

So, having got back from my lovely holiday (:P) I'm going to try and sum up
the thread so far. Apologies in advance if I misrepresent anything - do
correct me.

To the question of "Should we have a defined RFC procedure?" we seem to

In favour: 9 (not counting myself as the proposer)
Tom McKay

and a nod from Michael :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Against: 1

Other key people we've not heard from:
Michael Moll

(not wishing to discount anyone else who may wish to comment, of course)

Taken together, that's 9 for : 1 against : 7 abstain, which I feel is
enough to confirm the proposal, however I'll be happy to leave this open
for a while longer if any undecided people wish to cast a vote.

To the question of how to implement an RFC system, opinion is more
divided, but from the 9 in-favour votes I see 5 (6 if Justin counts) in
favour of GitHub. Thus I suggest that we try out the RFC repo initially,
and change the process if we're unhappy a month or two after we start using


Astute readers will note I listed 9 for-votes with only 8 names, having
counted but not written Ivan. Sorry Ivan!

··· On 27 Apr 2016 4:08 pm, "Greg Sutcliffe" wrote:

So, having got back from my lovely holiday (:P) I’m going to try and sum
up the thread so far. Apologies in advance if I misrepresent anything - do
correct me.

To the question of “Should we have a defined RFC procedure?” we seem to

In favour: 9 (not counting myself as the proposer)
Tom McKay

and a nod from Michael :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Against: 1

Other key people we’ve not heard from:
Michael Moll

(not wishing to discount anyone else who may wish to comment, of course)

Taken together, that’s 9 for : 1 against : 7 abstain, which I feel is
enough to confirm the proposal, however I’ll be happy to leave this open
for a while longer if any undecided people wish to cast a vote.

To the question of how to implement an RFC system, opinion is more
divided, but from the 9 in-favour votes I see 5 (6 if Justin counts) in
favour of GitHub. Thus I suggest that we try out the RFC repo initially,
and change the process if we’re unhappy a month or two after we start using


> So, having got back from my lovely holiday (:P) I'm going to try and sum up
> the thread so far. Apologies in advance if I misrepresent anything - do
> correct me.
> To the question of "Should we have a defined RFC procedure?" we seem to
> have:
> In favour: 9 (not counting myself as the proposer)
> Ohad
> Lukas
> Tomas
> Eric
> Justin
> Shim
> Adam
> Tom McKay
> and a nod from Michael :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
> Against: 1
> Dominic
> Other key people we've not heard from:
> Ewoud
> Michael Moll
> Marek
> Daniel

I'm just not sure if it's a good or a bad idea, as I thing it's hard
already to keep up with mailing list discussions, redmine, and PRs and
this adds another thing. I lean towards no, but I guess it's best to try
it and if it's really not useful it'll fall out of favor with the group
after some time.

··· On 04/27, Greg Sutcliffe wrote:


(not wishing to discount anyone else who may wish to comment, of course)

Taken together, that’s 9 for : 1 against : 7 abstain, which I feel is
enough to confirm the proposal, however I’ll be happy to leave this open
for a while longer if any undecided people wish to cast a vote.

To the question of how to implement an RFC system, opinion is more
divided, but from the 9 in-favour votes I see 5 (6 if Justin counts) in
favour of GitHub. Thus I suggest that we try out the RFC repo initially,
and change the process if we’re unhappy a month or two after we start using


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Daniel Lobato Garcia


Keybase: elobato (Daniel Lobato Garcia) | Keybase


please see my response below in text.

> So, having got back from my lovely holiday (:P) I'm going to try and sum up
> the thread so far. Apologies in advance if I misrepresent anything - do
> correct me.
> To the question of "Should we have a defined RFC procedure?" we seem to
> have:
> In favour: 9 (not counting myself as the proposer)
> Ohad
> Lukas
> Tomas
> Eric
> Justin
> Shim
> Adam
> Tom McKay
> and a nod from Michael :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
> Against: 1
> Dominic
> Other key people we've not heard from:
> Ewoud
> Michael Moll
> Marek

I don't have a feeling we strongly need this. I'm fine with trying it. You
named three points as a motivation for doing so:

  • Closed discussion
  • Fragmented discussion
  • Lack of review of design

But at the same time I think it's not complete solution. Sometimes it's better
to write a PR, sometimes it's better to write a document and yes github is
good tool for both. But at the same time we need to keep track of release
alignments, bugs related to the feature etc. Keeping only one central place
for tracking all such PRs and documents is the key and I think redmine should
be this place. I'd rather see all core devs watching new redmine issues and
insisting on more descriptive descriptions with links to external sources if
necessary. This github RFC system is just part of it.

Feel free to count me in +1 if it helps anything.

··· On Wednesday 27 of April 2016 16:08:31 Greg Sutcliffe wrote:



(not wishing to discount anyone else who may wish to comment, of course)

Taken together, that’s 9 for : 1 against : 7 abstain, which I feel is
enough to confirm the proposal, however I’ll be happy to leave this open
for a while longer if any undecided people wish to cast a vote.

To the question of how to implement an RFC system, opinion is more
divided, but from the 9 in-favour votes I see 5 (6 if Justin counts) in
favour of GitHub. Thus I suggest that we try out the RFC repo initially,
and change the process if we’re unhappy a month or two after we start using


Can't argue with Redmine from a bug tracking/linking perspective, but I
would counter by saying that the downside to Redmine is it's not so good at
tracking history in a easy to use way. Yes, you can view wiki page changes;
yes, you can look at bug diffs; but it's not as clear. It's also more
difficult to distinguish what's proposed vs what's accepted.

It seems we have a sufficient number of +1s for giving this a go, and have
given the discussion a reasonable amount of time. I'm also assuming we are
generally happy with the text I've written in the example RFC repo, at
least as a first trial. Therefore, the next steps (as I see it) are:

  • Transferring/copying the RFC repo to theforeman namespace
  • Updating the Developer Handbook on the website to reference the README
  • Transferring any existing / in-progress RFCs into the repo

The repo should probably be in the core team so the same people with commit
rights to core have commit rights to the RFCs. I can get on with these
actions later today (or possibly Monday).


··· On 2 May 2016 at 13:39, Marek Hulán wrote:

But at the same time I think it’s not complete solution. Sometimes it’s
to write a PR, sometimes it’s better to write a document and yes github is
good tool for both. But at the same time we need to keep track of release
alignments, bugs related to the feature etc. Keeping only one central place
for tracking all such PRs and documents is the key and I think redmine
be this place. I’d rather see all core devs watching new redmine issues and
insisting on more descriptive descriptions with links to external sources
necessary. This github RFC system is just part of it.

> * Transferring/copying the RFC repo to theforeman namespace

Done -

> * Updating the Developer Handbook on the website to reference the README

In progress, unlikely to be finished today.

> * Transferring any existing / in-progress RFCs into the repo

I've created an RFC for lzap's UEFI work to get us started -

> The repo should probably be in the core team so the same people with
commit rights to core have commit rights to the RFCs.

The repo should be part of the core team on GitHub.


··· On 6 May 2016 at 10:40, Greg Sutcliffe wrote: