Pulp 3 Migration fails after upgrade to Katello 3.17

I upgraded today, and ran the migration again. Unfortunately, another failure;

foreman-maintain content switchover
Running Switch support for certain content from Pulp 2 to Pulp 3
Switch support for certain content from Pulp 2 to Pulp 3:
Performing final content migration before switching content           [FAIL]
Failed executing foreman-rake katello:pulp3_migration, exit status 1:
 Migration failed, You will want to investigate: https://server.example.com/foreman_tasks/tasks/db8b70fe-8b14-413a-9679-f2bae5a020b5
rake aborted!
ForemanTasks::TaskError: Task db8b70fe-8b14-413a-9679-f2bae5a020b5: Katello::Errors::Pulp3Error: migrate_from_pulp2() got an unexpected keyword argument 'skip_corrupted'
/opt/theforeman/tfm/root/usr/share/gems/gems/katello-3.17.2/lib/katello/tasks/pulp3_migration.rake:17:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
/opt/rh/rh-ruby25/root/usr/share/gems/gems/rake-12.3.0/exe/rake:27:in `<top (required)>'
Tasks: TOP => katello:pulp3_migration
(See full trace by running task with --trace)
Scenario [Switch support for certain content from Pulp 2 to Pulp 3] failed.

The following steps ended up in failing state:


Resolve the failed steps and rerun
the command. In case the failures are false positives,
use --whitelist="content-switchover"

@goosemania and @Justin_Sherrill Would either of you be able to help with the last error? I’d like to try updating to 3.18, but I’m not sure if I should move on when the pulp migration keeps failing.



I would upgrade to 3.18, there are a ton of fixes within katello to make the experience better.

Thanks @Justin_Sherrill. I took your advice and upgraded to 3.18. I’m now getting a different error when trying to migrate. Would you have any ideas?

ForemanTasks::TaskError: Task 4e61b193-ec8c-41f4-a800-ca143c506fdf: Katello::Errors::Pulp3Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'pk'
/opt/theforeman/tfm/root/usr/share/gems/gems/katello- `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
/opt/rh/rh-ruby25/root/usr/share/gems/gems/rake-12.3.0/exe/rake:27:in `<top (required)>'
Tasks: TOP => katello:pulp3_migration