Rails 6 upgrade

As of https://github.com/theforeman/foreman/pull/7322, we have develop branch running on Rails 6 for ruby 2.6+
If no major concern is raised, we aim to ship Foreman 2.1 on Rails 6, please raise the concerns if you have any!

I’d say because it’s too painful to sleep through Rails update :slight_smile: It took us some time to get there and with the effort starting ahead of time, it seems to work out perfectly (couple versions later then planned on more stable Rails release :upside_down_face:)
AND we got rid of quite some technical debt in the proces :slight_smile:

I noticed the Rails 6 support is locked to Ruby 2.6+. Is the plan to relax
this once the RPM packaging is done?

The main thing is to watch how things behave and fix plugins without blocking RPM/DEB, which is currently Ruby 2.5 only.

Except very few issues in discovery (which will get fixed by @lzap soon, if I understood correctly), only Katello tests are problematic currently: https://github.com/theforeman/foreman/pull/7576#issuecomment-613000455 & https://github.com/theforeman/foreman/pull/7576#issuecomment-615255093

Discovery should be ok, there are three tests still red I will work on that soon. Not sure if these are Rails6 related tho.


Foreman core and packaging have been upgraded to use Rails 6 now.
Big thank you to everyone who took part in pushing this forward!

Plugin maintainers: you may need to make some modifications in your plugins for compatibility with Rails 6. These will hopefully be very minimal. Please reach out if you require any assitence.

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