Recurring logics Fails with Smart Proxy Errors


Recurring logics wont work in the change of the date.
Last occurrence: 2022-02-17 00:15:02 +0100
Next occurrence: 2022-02-16 23:25:00 +0100

If you disable this recurring logic and try to reanable it the following error occurs :
ERF28-1357 [ForemanTasks::RecurringLogicCancelledException]: Cannot update a cancelled Recurring Logic.

Expected outcome:
The Recurring logics work even if the date changes

Foreman and Proxy versions:

Foreman foreman-3.1.1-1.el7.noarch
Smart proxy: 3.1.1
Katello: katello-4.3.0-1.el7.noarch

Distribution and version:
CentOS 7 with latest stable installation

Other relevant data:
We Updated the System from foreman 2.5 to 3.0 and then directly to 3.1

In the Production Log we see then some errors like the one below:

2022-02-18T00:24:36 [I|bac|4d8319e1] Task {label: Actions::RemoteExecution::RunHostJob, id: 7121b685-a61f-452e-9fdf-d304d16cd1d0, execution_plan_id: 07885e6a-55be-4a25-8165-de51bd3c5929} state changed: stopped  
result: error
2022-02-18T00:24:36 [E|bac|4d8319e1] Proxy task gone missing from the smart proxy (Actions::ProxyAction::ProxyActionMissing)
 4d8319e1 | 
2022-02-18T00:24:36 [E|bac|4d8319e1] Proxy task gone missing from the smart proxy (Actions::ProxyAction::ProxyActionMissing)
 4d8319e1 | 
2022-02-18T00:24:36 [E|bac|4d8319e1] Proxy task gone missing from the smart proxy (Actions::ProxyAction::ProxyActionMissing)
 4d8319e1 | 

A Task shows the following Error:

RuntimeError: The only applicable proxy hostname.tld is down

Any suggestion what could cause these errors and how to fix them?

As I talked to a colleague of the thread author, just some details to add.

The scheduling is 25,55 * * * *, the last execution is running 20 minutes which is likely a timeout caused by Foreman being backup-ed with foreman-maintain in this timeframe. So it could also be some problem of Dynflow not correctly picking up the tasks again, as I think handling midnight should not be the problem.

@aruzicka do you have any idea how to debug this further or what could be the cause?

Not really no. ForemanTasks::RecurringLogicCancelledException means the recurring logic has no scheduled task so there’s nothing to modify. If you grep for Failed to run hook 'trigger_repeat' in production.log you might get some hits. Sadly unless you had debug logging turned on, you won’t get why.

It might be related to this thread but I haven’t had any luck reproducing that one either, let alone fixing it.

This shouldn’t be related to recurring logics in any way.

Although I can’t rule this out, I’m inclined to say that this is not the case. Most likely foreman tried to schedule another repetition and failed. After that, the recurring logic got stuck and there’s no way how to revive it once the in-flight task data is gone.

If what I wrote above holds (failed to run hook in logs should confirm it), then there really isn’t a way how to rescue the situation and you’d be better off just recreating the jobs from scratch.

1 Like

Hi aruzickaaruzicka,

unfortunally we haven’t found any log-entry from the last 14 days with Failed to run hook 'trigger_repeat'.
So there are no Log Entrys befor or after the updates of the System.

What we see is, that our Backup is running about half an hour before of the recurring logics.
In the Picture below you see one of our problematic recurring logic.

Our Backup is configured like this:

#Ansible: katello_backup
17 21 * * * root /usr/local/bin/ >/dev/null



rm -rf /var/backup/katello/*
foreman-maintain backup offline -y --skip-pulp-content /var/backup/katello >/dev/null

exit 0

Could this may cause any Problems?
If we activate the debug logging, on wich level should we activate it?

unfortunally we haven’t found any log-entry from the last 14 days with Failed to run hook 'trigger_repeat'.

Could you run the following sql query for me and post results?

select * from dynflow_delayed_plans;

Right now from what you’ve shared here I can’t really tell in which state the whole thing is and because of that I can’t really tell what to look out for in the logs. The output of the query is essential, whole production.log would be helpful.

Could this may cause any Problems?

Hard to say. Any time you stop it while it is actively doing something is potentially risky.

If we activate the debug logging, on wich level should we activate it?

I don’t think I follow. Debug is the level

Could you run the following sql query for me and post results?

Sure here is the Output, hope it helps:

         execution_plan_uuid          |          start_at          | start_before |               args_serializer                | frozen |                                                                        
                                                                                                              | data 
 e23f55f1-a286-4767-adb9-9168eb9b3955 | 2022-03-01 11:36:36.84632  |              | Dynflow::Serializers::Noop                   | f      | \x918ba96a6f625f636c617373b653746f72656456616c756573436c65616e75704a6f6
c6f63616c65a2656ea874696d657a6f6e65a3555443ab656e7175657565645f6174b4323032322d30322d32385432333a33363a33365a | 
 ec9e7808-5ae5-4660-9377-3bc28865b56d | 2022-03-01 11:36:51.720604 |              | Dynflow::Serializers::Noop                   | f      | \x918ba96a6f625f636c617373b653746f72656456616c756573436c65616e75704a6f6
c6f63616c65a2656ea874696d657a6f6e65a3555443ab656e7175657565645f6174b4323032322d30322d32385432333a33363a35315a | 
 918b72bb-de23-44ad-a93b-bb794e139cdb | 2022-03-01 11:36:51.739335 |              | Dynflow::Serializers::Noop                   | f      | \x918ba96a6f625f636c617373b64372656174655273734e6f74696669636174696f6e7
c6f63616c65a2656ea874696d657a6f6e65a3555443ab656e7175657565645f6174b4323032322d30322d32385432333a33363a35315a | 
 bfe0552b-4769-438b-b83e-7dbb00e3e85e | 2022-03-01 11:37:06.717954 |              | Dynflow::Serializers::Noop                   | f      | \x918ba96a6f625f636c617373b64372656174655273734e6f74696669636174696f6e7
3555443ab656e7175657565645f6174b4323032322d30322d32385432333a33373a30365a                                     | 
 1b40cf53-a63d-4bd9-84ff-418af1edbeda | 2022-03-01 11:37:21.872381 |              | Dynflow::Serializers::Noop                   | f      | \x918ba96a6f625f636c617373bb53656e64457870697265536f6f6e4e6f74696669636
f6174b4323032322d30322d32385432333a33373a32315a                                                               | 
 d7001504-a826-4332-8aac-2d6fd0eeea0f | 2022-03-01 11:37:36.770009 |              | Dynflow::Serializers::Noop                   | f      | \x918ba96a6f625f636c617373bb53656e64457870697265536f6f6e4e6f74696669636
f6174b4323032322d30322d32385432333a33373a33365a                                                               | 
 28ec021a-3d3a-435e-bbcf-d085a92756a5 | 2022-03-01 11:37:51.772128 |              | Dynflow::Serializers::Noop                   | f      | \x918ba96a6f625f636c617373bb53656e64457870697265536f6f6e4e6f74696669636
f6174b4323032322d30322d32385432333a33373a35315a                                                               | 
 7c8180a3-6650-4373-b905-7e694d532893 | 2022-03-01 11:40:37.098172 |              | Dynflow::Serializers::Noop                   | f      | \x918ba96a6f625f636c617373d92043726561746550756c704469736b53706163654e6
175657565645f6174b4323032322d30322d32385432333a34303a33375a                                                   | 
 8b65cce3-42bf-4732-9e29-a0456b91eff6 | 2022-03-01 11:40:37.158469 |              | Dynflow::Serializers::Noop                   | f      | \x918ba96a6f625f636c617373d92043726561746550756c704469736b53706163654e6
175657565645f6174b4323032322d30322d32385432333a34303a33375a                                                   | 
 374a6ac6-ba34-4afe-9225-affa4f806acb | 2022-03-01 11:40:37.251361 |              | Dynflow::Serializers::Noop                   | f      | \x918ba96a6f625f636c617373d92043726561746550756c704469736b53706163654e6
175657565645f6174b4323032322d30322d32385432333a34303a33375a                                                   | 
 6d06de5a-6d04-4b7c-b5fd-186d44c60cb8 | 2022-03-02 01:37:00        |              | Actions::Serializers::ActiveRecordSerializer | f      | \x9183b46163746976655f7265636f72645f6f626a656374c3aa636c6173735f6e616d6
 ffbabc25-a86a-47e3-9602-053c941885f2 | 2022-02-21 21:15:00        |              | Actions::Serializers::ActiveRecordSerializer | t      | \x9183b46163746976655f7265636f72645f6f626a656374c3aa636c6173735f6e616d6
 363fbe9b-af96-4a83-b243-4a4f6eca1332 | 2022-02-21 21:15:00        |              | Actions::Serializers::ActiveRecordSerializer | t      | \x9183b46163746976655f7265636f72645f6f626a656374c3aa636c6173735f6e616d6
 3a41d344-2e43-42f4-8026-f20501b1f5a2 | 2022-02-21 21:44:00        |              | Actions::Serializers::ActiveRecordSerializer | t      | \x9183b46163746976655f7265636f72645f6f626a656374c3aa636c6173735f6e616d6
 67711e3a-5333-43fd-85b9-f667b053d7cb | 2022-03-01 11:16:03.393874 |              | Dynflow::Serializers::Noop                   | f      | \x918ba96a6f625f636c617373d922437265617465457870697265644d616e696665737
56e7175657565645f6174b4323032322d30322d32385431313a31363a30335a                                               | 
(15 rows)

This just confirms what I suspected previously. The recurring logics (the part that keeps track) got out of sync with delayed plans (the actual runtime unit representing something to happen in the future). Usually, this manifests itself with the trigger_repeat error, but it is possible that if you stop the workers at the right time, it will just fail silently.

I know this is a rather bad workaround, but would it be possible for you not to take offline backups while actively using the system?