Registering Ubuntu and Debian Systems

Hello @maximilian,

Thanks for checking about this. I’ve followed the instructions mentioned in the following URL

and also the below steps so far.

Accessing published repos directly via HTTP

1.) Navigate to your repository in the Foreman UI via “Content > Products > <your_product_name> > Repositories tab > <your_repository_name>”.
2.) Make sure you have entered “Publish via HTTP: Yes”.
3.) Right below “Publish via HTTP: Yes” you should see “Published At: <url_to_repo_root>”
4.) Use the following in your /etc/apt/sources.list file on your clients:

deb <url_to_repo_root> default all

Note: Using default all presumes having "publish_default_release": true, in your /etc/pulp/server/plugins.conf.d/deb_distributor.json config file on your foreman server.


# cat /etc/pulp/server/plugins.conf.d/deb_distributor.json
  "publish_default_release": true,

If you are missing this configuration, add it and then use the “Republish Repository Metadata” action in your repositories.

Please let me know if you need any additional details.


Can you access the URL directly via browser & does it reflect what you’d expect content wise, i.e. what you synced to your Foreman instance?

Hello @maximilian,

Yes, when I access in browser it works fine. But its not working in package fetching in the client machine.


Just to confirm 100% you have the following in your /etc/apt/sources.list file on your client:

deb [trusted=yes] default all

And you can access this exact URL in a browser to download a Release file:

Note that the release file you posted earlier looks like it came from
(You need it under dists not buster).

With this setup you get the following:

root@test:~# apt-get update --download-only
Ign:1 default Release

It looks like this says “Ign/Ignore” not “Not found”, so the question is why your apt-get wants to ignore this release. I don’t know exactly what the --download-only flag does. The other thing I could imagine, is that Debian has become increasingly pedantic about demanding signed releases. You put [trusted=yes] in your /etc/apt/sources.list, but maybe that is not enough. You could try to continue googling for this yourself, or you could try going the full Content View + Activation Key + Subscription manager route.

I am unsure how I can help further since everything seems to be working on your Foreman/Katello. It looks like it might be client configuration that does not (and I am out of ideas what that might be exactly)…

Hello @quba42,

Thanks for your update. You’re right. I’m not able to access the url via browser.

I’m trying to achieve the following:

  1. Installed Foreman on top of Centos 7 server.
  2. Created a content view for Debian Repository.
  3. Trying to make use of this to fetch the packages in the client machine.

Please advise, thanks.

Does it work if you use:

deb [trusted=yes] buster main

instead of:

deb [trusted=yes] default all

on your client?

Hello @maximilian @quba42 @fgoebel,

Thanks a lot for all your help on this post.

Issue resolved by using the following url in the sources.list file.

deb [trusted=yes] buster main

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Hello @maximilian @quba42 @tbrisker,

I’m trying to sync the Ubuntu Repository and I’m getting below error message.

PLP0000: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: u’/var/cache/pulp/’

Can someone please advise me on this ?


Since this thread is already quite long, and this is a completely new/separate issue, perhaps we should open a new thread to discuss it. (For future readability and findability). Thanks.