Foreman 2.1.0 (open issues)
- Bug #29660: file and docker do not support https with pulpcore - Installer - Foreman - needs a release of puppet-foreman_proxy_content 11.0.1, will wait for pulling in rpm pulp3 changes as well - can be done for ga as well.
- Bug #29445: STI deletion needs to be allowed to admins only - Foreman - in progress, might still be possible to get into GA.
- puma selinux issue resolved, nightlies are working again and rc3 was built and released.
- since rc3 was only released Thursday, we’ll make the final decision on GA on Wednesday. If no further issues are found, we’ll start the release train on Wednesday.
- @upadhyeammit will upload updated translations by RH translators to transifex and pull into the stable branch.
- Some EL8 issues won’t be solved in time for GA (such as EPEL compatibility), we’ll look into doing a 2.1.1 release once they are resolved to improve EL8 compatibility.
Katello 3.15
- 3.15.2 released
Katello 3.16
- rc3 released, waiting for more issues before next rc.