Release Team Meeting 2024-07-24

Foreman 3.12

3.12.0 Schedule

  • Status on an owner?

Foreman 3.11

3.11.1 TODO | 3.11.1 DONE | CI Overview | Github Board

Foreman 3.10

3.10.1 TODO | 3.10.1 DONE | CI Overview

Katello 4.14

Katello 4.13

Katello 4.12


Foreman 3.12

Working on finalizing the release an owner. Aiming to decide this before the end of the week.

Foreman 3.11

3.11.1 released: Foreman 3.11.1 is now available

Foreman 3.10

No updates

Katello 4.14

No updates

Katello 4.13

4.13.1 release in progress: Katello 4.13.1 Release Process


Big (backwards incompatible) updates will happen after Katello 4.14 branches.