Remote execution Actions::ProxyAction fails

I am trying to configure the remote execution in foreman but while executing the remote job Actions::ProxyAction is failing with the below error -

Value (ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone) '2020-06-20 14:04:39 +0530' is not any of: (Time | NilClass).

Foreman and Proxy versions:
Foreman - latest develop branch.
Smart-proxy - Master branch.

Foreman and Proxy plugin versions:
smart_proxy_remote_execution_ssh, smart_proxy_dynflow, smart_proxy_dynflow_core - master branch.

Other relevant data:
I have attached dynflow log. dynflow.log (15.2 KB)

Problem was due “uninitialized constant ForemanRemoteExecutionCore”.
After fixing dependency in rvm and bundler issue got resolved.