Remote execution and ansible roles failure

**run a remote job **

**runtimeerror : a sub task failed **

Foreman version 2.0.1

foreman-tasks 1.1.1

foreman_ansible 5.0.1

foreman_openscap 3.0.0

foreman_remote_execution 3.2.2

i failed to run a remote exuc and run ansible roles or commands
but i added the hosts by using ansible

but i added the hosts by using ansible but i didn’t use this part

i created my own key and i shared it

sorry i have more captures here

the part you skipped is essential. When remote execution runs it looks for the private key in ~foreman-proxy/.ssh/id_rsa_foreman_proxy, if it is not there, the authentication will fail. You don’t have run the exact command, but you have to make sure there is a key you want to use at that location