Repository not available after added on new product and added in content view

We need to add a new repository on composite content view.
I created a new product, I added a new repository( type yum).
This repository was added at composite content view and I “override to enabled” on the activation keys the new repository, but in this step appear the error: [“Invalid content label: xx_Icinga_icingaRH7”]

Expected outcome:
yum repolist show me my repository added

Foreman and Proxy versions:


Foreman and Proxy plugin versions:

|bastion |5.1.1|
|foreman-tasks |0.9.6|
|foreman_discovery 9.1.5|
|foreman_docker 3.2.1|
|foreman_host_rundeck |0.0.2|
|katello |3.4.5|

Other relevant data:
[e.g. logs from Foreman and/or the Proxy, modified templates, commands issued, etc]
(for logs, surround with three back-ticks to get proper formatting, e.g.)
