Smart Proxy: Future Design, Scaling and Use Cases

Anecdotally, we recently had an issue where public traffic was crafting bad packets, which would hard lock the smart proxy service and force a manual restart before it would serve content again. We changed the firewall to only allow requests from the Foreman Server, and never had any issues again.

While the smart proxy was locked, we could not provision machines, since the TFTP server couldn’t be updated with the appropriate configs, etc. The smart proxy was a vulnerable point to a denial of service attack on our provisioning system.

In our case we were not making use of any of the client-facing features, and so blocking requests from anything except Foreman was a reasonable solution to the problem.

Separating concerns to allow (and encourage) only communicating with the smart proxy from the Foreman server sounds like a great design decision.

I am a tad late to the party, but is “Smart Proxy” the process running theforeman/smart-proxy or the “whole machine” (including other services)? This seems a bit mixed up in the “features targetting” section, and makes it hard for me to follow along.

The introduction seems to aim at the process, but then I don’t follow how sub-man/global registration fits into this as it’s purely an “Apache proxy” thing.

I agree that “the process” should not have user/client facing things, but it does today:

  • template feature will expose the Foreman templates on the proxy
  • the users can (and do) fetch SSH keys from /ssh/pubkey
    Granted, both are not strictly long-running or high-traffic (but neither is the container-auth redirect in the linked proposal, if I read it correctly).

However, the process can be co-hosted on the same machine that also has client-facing things (like apache), thus giving up a bit of security based on the users preferences.

Global Registration & Smart Proxy

There is no documentation yet (WIP), the functionality of module is pretty simple: forward GET & POST requests to /register endpoint to the Foreman and add url parameter (proxy’s url) to the forwarded params.

Is the smart-proxy the right place for client facing actions

For Global Registration it can be useful for cases where host machine don’t have direct access to the Foreman instance.

What architectural changes are needed to the smart-proxy to support increased traffic?

I’m not sure if it is needed, since the GR module is just forwarding requests & responses. Maybe adding some caching of rendered template could improve R&R times.

What should be our scaling guidelines for smart-proxy deployments based on deployed features?

Not sure to be honest.

Oh, I see, there is a proxy-like module, much like the templates one I mentioned above.

Then I vote for extracting the Windows-only code into a super tiny Ruby Sinatra “mini proxy” and rewriting the DHCP MS module to call it. Then dropping all Windows code and calling it a day.


I like where this is going quite frankly. Containerizing Foreman is something we can probably only dream about at this point. But having an instance (Capsule aka Smart Proxy Node) with a good container infrastructure could be an answer to our scaling issues.

Thank you all for the great discussions thus far. I am going to attempt to re-cap the highlights and proposals. At the end I am going to try to set the stage for further discussions.

First off, from its original intent and this thread we can take away that we should think of the current smart-proxy as a control plane intended to provide APIs and discovery of services. And that this fact can and does impose a heightened security need for the smart-proxy that client end points pose a risk to. That smart-proxy traffic should aim to be limited to largely Foreman <-> smart-proxy or, in some cases, smart-proxy <-> service. And that a user ought to be able to have a fairly strict firewall setup for the smart-proxy to reduce attack surface.

The general proposal is that there should exist at least one additional service that is dedicated to client traffic. And possibly a further break out of services into either groups of related services or dedicated services that map 1:1 with functionality supported. A quick recap of client services today or proposed (I may miss one):

  • templates
  • global registration
  • container gateway
  • subscription-manager proxying (today handled by Apache reverse proxy)
  • facts
  • openscap
  • REX
  • SSH keys

I think it is important here, that as we consider this, we look at the software vs concepts and ensure we draw the lines correctly. We have the smart-proxy software, that is a Sinatra based web application serving multiple end points and providing a base set of functionality such as handling SSL, certificates, configuration, and plugins. Concept wise we have the Foreman Proxy, the process that runs on a system and represents an instance of the smart-proxy. And in the UI/API we have Smart Proxies that are registered and managed. Stretch this out to the Katello use case and we end up with what we often call a Foreman Content Proxy that both adds a defined set of services and functionality (Pulp, reverse proxy, Qpid) and is treated conceptually as a single entity. That is, Katello tends to think of managing the entire host as the Content Proxy, not just the Smart Proxy software even though that is how it’s surfaced in Foreman as an object.

Additionally, we have an RFC aimed at enabling Remote Execution against the underlying host that we think of as the conceptual Foreman (Content) Proxy to be able to perform management actions on it from Foreman itself.

Let’s take the easy split to further discuss the various layers of software and concept. Let’s assume we strictly split functionality into what we traditionally think of as a Foreman Proxy (service API and discovery) and new concept, a Client Proxy (for lack of a better term). What would those look like at:

  1. The software level, is this a new project? A creative configuration of the smart-proxy software? How do we ensure at a user and developer level that it is clear what does what, what got deployed and prevent mis-configurations that can lead to some of the security and conceptual concerns?
  2. Conceptually how does this surface inside Foreman? How do I view and manage Foreman Proxies vs Client Proxies?
  3. Should the two be allowed to be co-located? Does this put an additional burden on the user infrastructure wise? Does this make it easier for the user infrastructure wise? Does it give them more choice?
  4. Does this increase or decrease deployment burden?
  5. How would dual purpose features be handled? For example, Katello uses the service discovery nature of the smart-proxy to expose Pulp 3 attributes, but Pulp 3 is client facing.
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Non-developers perspective:

I would be totally fine with the same software running in different instances because it is a component I know, can debug, secure, … And with Katello we already have a case where it runs on a different port, so having another one for client connects would be not so confusing. Not sure if systemd can already help here to multi-instance or if the code would need adjustments, this I would leave to the developers.

As I said I like would like Client Proxies to be simply another instance of Smart Proxy with different features and a different port, so no different handling would be needed.

I see co-located as a must because in some environments it would require additional machines if they can not co-exist on one or even worse to save a machine it would be installed on an unrelated one because the component is so small. Of course separate install for those that do not care about an additional machine but security has also to be possible.

As pulp is already special, it could also be special in this case. But then others would do the same for a feature that is normally not exclusive to a Smart Proxy, so I would say dual purpose would mean running two different routes through two different instances.

Maybe it’s the time to discuss terminology change again? I vote for Foreman Capsule to standardize with Satellite for the node, then figuring something out for both services. Maybe we should be breaking those (micro)services out because eventually if we really go into containers smart-proxy could break not into just two, but dozen of individual small services plus some router component for the endpoints. Thinking loud:

  • Foreman Capsule - the node and the term used in Foreman UI
  • foreman-proxy - the router (httpd?) service exposing ports to both Foreman and clients
  • smart-proxy - the process(es) handling requests (running either standalone or in containers)
  • smart-proxy-host-reports - an example of a (micro)service handling specific requests

In the first phase we should probably only change deployment. Once the infrastructure is ready (router, containers) we can start adding new projects and probably move some features out of the smart proxy codebase.

A client proxy is just another smart-proxy for Foreman, it still has a REST API, therefore I’d assume we keep the current behavior. Via capabilities API proxies could advertise which type of proxy is it and we should be able to get that information in the code.

For client proxies Foreman should not need to initiate any operation other than refresh features, status, logs etc I suppose. But it should still be a proxy object I think?

I undestand the design in a way that it gives great flexibility. By default we would still deploy on a single node, but later on once we containerize and break things a bit, users would be able to create clusters for proxy services. The question is if Foreman should be managing those clusters, I think yes, then my question is how much of burden and work is that.

Increase. Increase… :slight_smile:

I don’t understand the problem Pulp 3 have but a wild idea: a feature could be something that is either foreman or client facing, not smart proxies themselves. Not sure if this helps in this case or makes things worse tho.

I was assuming that two separate proxies (client and foreman) would mean two different pairs of ports, but now I am thinking about it, if we had a router (simply httpd can do the work) we could actually forward the traffic depending on the URL. This assumes that we are able to distinguish request if it’s client facing or not. Then maybe we can simply keep the whole design of smart proxy in Foreman unchanged.

Uh, not easy. It’s late.

Even though it is still a dream, initial work has been done to make it reality and I think this is a good opportunity to make additional steps in that direction. The biggest challenge in this moment is how to support some of the existing functionality when moving to a container infrastructure, such as installing additional plugins.

I agree, breaking up things into separate pieces would make things easier and more flexible. Those microservices could initially run as container images under systemd. That way we could decrease the efforts needed for packaging.

While having common router for proxy services may solve some problems, it also brings new problems on its own. Let’s say I’d like to enable Ansible and add smart-proxy-ansible service to my existing setup, which also means changing the router configuration so that requests for smart-proxy-ansible service are routed correctly. I am not saying that this is not solvable, it is just another thing that we need to keep in mind.

An approach requiring less changes could be having each service registered in Foreman as a separate smart-proxy, which is also in line with:

The number of services could be decreased by the grouping of features as Tomer mentioned.

Please, keep in mind, that it should still be possible to run a smart proxy on other platforms like Windows.

What about using “Foreman Proxy” instead? A capsule is something you see in the context of a satellite.

In our downstream documentation we use “orcharhino proxy” to refer to the node, and “smart proxy” or “smart proxy functionality” to refer to the software components/services. See the big red box here for more: Smart Proxies - orcharhino documentation (Feel free to criticize our characterization of the state of the nomenclature.) :wink:


That is a hell big red box warning :slight_smile: I wish we could get time back and name Smart Proxy differently, or ditch that fluffy Capsule term. I have never liked it due to confusion it brought.

There is confusion over multiple terms (Smart Proxy, Capsule, Foreman Proxy), but there is also confusion over the fact that most users think about it differently from most Engineers. I believe users mostly see and conceptualize Smart Proxies as “a separate host”, whereas the Engineers mostly think about it in terms of providing certain services (which also run on the main Foreman server)… That difference is hard to communicate without a “hell big red box”. (Though I think the “Important” boxes used to be orange in our docs, right now they are a way more aggressive colour than “Warning” boxes, we should change that back…)