Source of SCL packages on EL rebuilds

Hi folks,

As I've mentioned in passing lately, we have a growing problem with
software collections on EL rebuilds (CentOS, Scientific Linux) as SCL
1.1 isn't rebuilding cleanly.
(Refactor #7234: SCL 1.1 builds needed for EL rebuilds (CentOS, SL) - Packaging - Foreman for more info)

In short, we need SCL 1.1 for EL6 and EL7 to support future features
(namely a Rails 4 migration). Currently CentOS 6 provides 1.0 in full,
and parts of 1.1 (not Rails 4) and SL 6 provides 1.1 in full. No builds
for CentOS or SL 7 are available yet. is a public directory of SCLs linked to
Copr and the RHSCL team have published rebuilds of RHSCL 1.1 there for
EL6 and EL7 in separate repos. I think we need to begin using and
recommending for EL rebuilds if we're to depend on 1.1 and
enable the Rails 4 migration etc.

Currently for CentOS and SL, the installer will configure the SCL repos
by default, and for RHEL, users are told about enabling the RHSCL repo
as a pre-req.

I'd propose that to use, particularly as there are multiple
repos that need enabling (it's split per collection) that we:

  1. Include the "release" RPMs in our EL6/7 repos, e.g.
  • v8314, and ror40+ruby200 when we begin to use them
  1. Create a foreman-release-scl RPM which depends on them
  2. Change the installer to install foreman-release-scl on CentOS/SL

Users upgrading would need to install the new package.

Or we could update the installer to configure the individual repos via
yumrepo resources, or by installing the release RPMs individually (I
sent a PR to to make the names more consistent). My only
concern with this is that we'll soon depend on three of them, so it
becomes harder to maintain in the installer.

Any preferences or more general thoughts/concerns about this direction?

··· -- Dominic Cleal Red Hat Engineering

Another possibility is that we contribute support to for
combining multiple repos into one, e.g. the "rhscl" user currently has
20-30 independent repos:

If we could create a single combined repo containing all of the EL6 or
EL7 packages then it would be easier to consume, so could be a manual
pre-req, or more easily configured from the installer.

It would also cut down on the proliferation of yum repos, which many
users understandably dislike.

··· On 10/09/14 12:10, Dominic Cleal wrote: > I'd propose that to use, particularly as there are multiple > repos that need enabling (it's split per collection) that we: > > 1. Include the "release" RPMs in our EL6/7 repos, e.g. > > + v8314, and ror40+ruby200 when we begin to use them > 2. Create a foreman-release-scl RPM which depends on them > 3. Change the installer to install foreman-release-scl on CentOS/SL > > Users upgrading would need to install the new package. > > Or we could update the installer to configure the individual repos via > yumrepo resources, or by installing the release RPMs individually (I > sent a PR to to make the names more consistent). My only > concern with this is that we'll soon depend on three of them, so it > becomes harder to maintain in the installer. > > Any preferences or more general thoughts/concerns about this direction?

Dominic Cleal
Red Hat Engineering

> I'd propose that to use, particularly as there are multiple
> repos that need enabling (it's split per collection) that we:
> 1. Include the "release" RPMs in our EL6/7 repos, e.g.
> + v8314, and ror40+ruby200 when we begin to use them
> 2. Create a foreman-release-scl RPM which depends on them
> 3. Change the installer to install foreman-release-scl on CentOS/SL


> Any preferences or more general thoughts/concerns about this direction?

I don't have any problem with separate SCL repos, it's just four of them
right? Since our installer can easily set them up, I don't expect users
to have problems with that (other than they can miss them all).

··· -- Later, Lukas #lzap Zapletal

Two right now, three I think after the Rails 4 migration. I know we've
had some resistance and confusion in the past, which is why I raise it.
It might affect folks syncing repos locally more.

··· On 10/09/14 13:48, Lukas Zapletal wrote: >> > Any preferences or more general thoughts/concerns about this direction? > I don't have any problem with separate SCL repos, it's just four of them > right? Since our installer can easily set them up, I don't expect users > to have problems with that (other than they can miss them all).

Dominic Cleal
Red Hat Engineering